Chapter 14

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Ye Xiaoxiao was on the way back to the Refining Peak, admiring the scenery along the way and thinking about whether to make a puppet after returning, how big and what kind of puppet to make.

It's better to practice first and improve your cultivation before doing it.

Just like this, I walked all the way back to the cave. When I returned to the cave, I looked at the materials and thought, why not practice at night and read books and make puppets to practice my skills during the day.

Well, I still need to study the formation more. Since I have chosen it, I don't say how good I am at it, but it can't be too bad.

Suddenly it occurred to me that my task was to make a puppet.

The mobile phone did not explain clearly whether it was enough to make a puppet regardless of whether it could move or not, or whether it needed to be fully movable.

Thinking of this, she quickly asked on her mobile phone in her mind.

After understanding clearly, she went to bed and started practicing.

The night passed like this.

When she woke up from practicing the next day, she clearly felt that the spiritual power in her body had increased.

Quite a few, and it won't be long before you can enter the second level of Qi training.

After finishing the meal, I took out the spell book and planned to learn all the spells I could learn now.

After she opened it, she saw that there were many spells with different spiritual root attributes, such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The five element spiritual root spells include metal control, wood control, water control, fire control, earth control, etc.

There are also spells like dust removal that can be learned as long as you enter the first level of Qi training.

However, most of the spells can only be learned in the middle stage of Qi training.

After building the foundation, you can go to the first and second floors of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and choose two books you want to learn for free.

They can be spells, swordsmanship, exercises or other miscellaneous books.

After that, you need sect points to redeem, but these rules are only for those who have not become a master.

If you have become a master, your master will give you the training methods suitable for you.

She didn't feel disappointed when she saw that she could only learn dust removal surgery.

Anyway, it didn't matter to her whether she learned those spells or not.

When she makes up her mind to do something, she must achieve what she wants.

It took about an hour to learn the dust removal technique before she could perform it skillfully without failure.

This showed that she had a high level of understanding, but she still felt that it was too slow.

The gesture for casting the spell was not only time-consuming but also troublesome.

"It seems I'll find time in the future to see if I can make the gestures simpler."

After she finished speaking, she took out the book on making puppets and read it with great interest.

She read it back and forth no less than five times, and of course she read it.

The reason why it became so fast is the benefit of washing the muscles and cutting the marrow after practicing.

She thought that since it was just for practicing, she might as well make a smaller one, just like the one in the anime "Wall Girl" that she watched when she was a child.

Hmm~ Why don't you just be Zhen Hong from "The Girl on the Wall"? It's perfect for practicing.

After she thought about it, she started making her first puppet using those basic materials as described in the book.

By noon, not even one-third of the puppet was completed.

It seemed that it would take a long time.

She felt that it would take a long time anyway, so she should do it slowly, just do a little every day.

After lunch, she took out the two books on the basics of weapon refining and the basics of formations.

She looked at the two books and considered which one to read first.

The weapon refining can only be officially started in the foundation building period, and the skills can be mastered in the middle stage of Qi training.

Regarding weapon refining techniques, with her current level of cultivation, she could only read books.

As for formations, you can learn them no matter what your cultivation level is.

However, some formations cannot be deployed after you learn them, and some formations require a lot of spiritual energy.

Thinking of this, she decided to read the formation first, and then read the book later.

Then she would go to the master when she no longer knew how to do it.

For the next whole afternoon, she spent half of it learning formations and half of it to continue making puppets.

It had to be said that she was very talented in formations.

She had already learned some basic formations, but she was not very proficient yet. Some small formations have been laid out.

After dinner, I started practicing, absorbing the spiritual energy.

When the spiritual energy flowed through my body, the fatigue of the whole day disappeared.

The spiritual energy originally consumed during the practice formation was also slowly restored, and the absorption of spiritual energy also increased.

It has become faster, and the flow speed has also become a little faster.

It's as if things come naturally.

Not long after he broke through the first level of Qi training, he is now about to break through to the second level.

This speed can be said to be very fast.

After she broke through, she did not get up immediately, but continued to practice to slowly solidify the spiritual energy that was originally a little floating.

As for the speed of her cultivation, she didn't know whether it was fast or slow.

It seemed that she would have to find time to ask about the situation.

But to the outside world, it is better to practice one level of Qi training.

You should always leave some trump cards for yourself, and then let your phone display your cultivation level as one level of Qi training.

Just like this, I practiced eating, reading, practicing dust removal techniques, and making puppets.

I didn't go out for three days. The first puppet was ready, but it couldn't move. It was just a delicate doll.

When she reached the second level of Qi training, she had much more spiritual energy than on the first level.

She had been consolidating it continuously for the past three days.

She didn't want to increase the spiritual energy, but in the process of condensing, the spiritual energy was also improving little by little.

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