Public Assembly!

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You were blasting apart several of the Infected with shotgun blasts, and punches from Mimic, while Team RWBY were using the gun parts of their weapons. 

Chris was using his own fists and his guns as well. And Sheva followed with kicks and gunfire. 

(Y/N): CHRIS! 

Chris: YEAH? 


Chris: I know! Hang on. 

He began to contact Kirk. 

Chris: Kirk! Come in! The locals are hostile! The gate is sealed, and we're trapped. We need backup, and we need it right now!

Kirk: Roger that, just sit tight. I'm on my way. 

Sheva: I just hope he gets here quickly. 

Yang: There's too many of these damn things! 

The Executioner then appeared. 

(Y/N): So, you want a fight, do you? 

He tried to swing his axe at you, but you stopped it with one of your hands, and- 

(Y/N): I don't think so. 

You touched him, lighting him on fire. 

Then after a long while, a helicopter appeared. 

Kirk: Sorry to keep you waiting! Now take cover. 

You all took cover as a soldier in the helicopter fired an RPG, blowing down several of the Infected! 

(Y/N): Thanks Kirk! 

Weiss: Yeah, but couldn't you have been a bit faster? 

Kirk: You can thank me later. (Y/N), Ruby, Weiss, Chris, Blake, Yang, Sheva, Alpha Team is about to go in. Hurry to the rendevouz point. 

Chris: Roger that. 

Ruby: Wait, what about you? 

Kirk: I'm going up ahead. We'll meet up there. Good luck! 

The helicopter took off as you all proceeded forward. 

You all continued, taking out several Infected along the way, only to hear-


A young girl named Allyson was being carried off. 

Allyson: HELP! 

(Y/N): Hey! Drop her! 

Yang: Why now of all times? 

You all followed the Infected taking Allyson into an Old Building where you find her. 

(Y/N): Hey, are you- 

You then jumped back as four-tentacled mandibles erupted from her mouth. 

(Y/N): It is the Plagas. I knew it! 

You all shot at her, and then a Plagas comes out from her head. 

Blake: Damn it! 

Blake cut it down. 

Blake: Looks like they've been busy. 

Kirk then contacted everyone. 

Kirk: We've lost contact with Alpha Team. They're under attack by an unidentified hostile! Reinforcements, heat toward the deal coordinates immediately!

Sheva: Roger that! 

Chris: Let's move out! 

You all charge through several more Infected to reach a ruined building. 

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