Iggy vs. Pet Shop!

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It was a very hot day in Cairo, and Polnareff was trying to cover up while sitting on some stairs. 

Polnareff: Damn it's hot today! I didn't get a chance to shower. And the heat is already affecting my good looks. 

As he took a drink of water, a beggar with a broken arm sat next to him. 

Play from 0:20-1:13... 

(Y/N): There he is! Polnareff! 

Polnareff: Yeah?

(Y/N): That guy's a beggar! Give him the money! 

Polnareff: Oh, I see. 

Avdol: Sorry about our friend, Sir. He doesn't really know much about the customs here. 

Polnareff: You know, you could have just explained it all to me. 

Beggar: I'm not supposed to talk! My schtick is that I'm a mute beggar! 

Avdol: There's a beggar's association here in Cairo. Beggars have designated turfs and they get paint to sit and beg all day. Charity and alms-giving are one of the five pillars of Islam. it's said you can go to Heaven by sharing your wealth with the poor. That's why the beggars have their own rules to keep things in order. 

(Y/N): Wow, that's cool to know. I'm learning so much on this adventure. 

Beggar: Say, I thought you seemed familiar. Yeah! You're Avdol the fortune-teller. I heard you fled to Japan because someone was trying to kill you. 

Avdol: I was looking for you since you know everything about this area. Do you think you can find this house? 

He pointed to Dio's mansion in the photo. 

And then he changed into a suit. 

Beggar: Yeah, I'll find this place in three hours. 

He then took off. 

(Y/N): I hope he hurries. By the way, did you guys see where Iggy went? 

Polnareff: Why are you so concerned about that dumb dog? He can take care of himself. 

(Y/N): I know. I'm just worried he could get hurt. I love that dog so much. When this is over. I want to take him home with me. 

WIth Iggy... 

Iggy was minding his own business, until he came across two bigger dogs. 

They snarled and growled at him, but Iggy smirked. 

Iggy: Sheesh, you bozos are nothing. 

He put up his aura, and they got scared and left. 

Iggy: (yawning) Geez. Where's (Y/N) with the gum when you need him? 

And then the two dogs saw what seemed to be the shadow of a bird near a gate. 

They both scratched and clawed at the gate, but then 

They both scratched and clawed at the gate, but then 

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