Iggy's the Fool and N'doul's Geb!

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Egypt, 97% of the land is composed of deserts. It is one of the few countries in the world with little to no rainfall per years. However, thanks to the Nile River, food is plentiful. Along the river, there are many ferile lands. It is a country fabricated with ancient Egyptian civilization, mixed together with Persian, Greek, Roman, Islamic, and Arabian cultures! 

Just what will you, Jotaro, Joseph, Polnareff, Avdol, and Kakyoin encounter? Well right now, all of you were driving a car across the desert and stopped. 

(Y/N): So, what are we doing here then? 

Joseph: For that. 

Joseph pointed upwards to a helicopter. 

Polnareff: A helicopter! 

Kakyoin: Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious. 

Joseph: That's a helicopter belonging to the Speedwagon Foundation. 

(Y/N): Hey! Awesome! 

Jotaro: Wait, are they the company that's looking after Mom back in Japan? 

(Y/N): Yep! That's right. It was a company that belonged to an old friend of your family and I. He was a great guy. 

Jotaro: Are we taking that? 

Joseph: No, the crew isn't made up of Stand Users. 

(Y/N): Yeah, we don't want to endanger them. Wait ... so why is it even here? 

Joseph: I'm calling for help. 

Jotaro and Polnareff: Help? 

Kakyoin: A new companion?

Joseph: Yep. Though he has a few personality issues. 

(Y/N): Really? 

Avdol: Wait Mr. Joestar, it's not possible for him to travel with us! He could be a hinderance. 

(Y/N): Wait, you know him too Avdol? 

Avdol: Yes, very well. 

Jotaro: Is he a Stand User too? 

Joseph: Yes. And his Stand is the Fool. 

(Y/N): I see. 

Polnareff: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THE FOOL?! What an idiotic Stand. 

(Y/N): Polnareff have you ever heard of don't judge a book by its cover? 

Avdol: He's right Polnareff. You should be lucky he's on our side. You can't beat him. 

Polnareff: And what does that mean Avdol? 

Kakyoin: Knock it off you two. It's here. 

The helicopter lands as the Speedwagon Foundation pilots come out. 

(Y/N): Glad to see you guys made it. 

Pilot: Mr. (L/N), Mr. Joestar, good to see you. 

Joseph: Thanks for coming out here. 

Jotaro: Which one of you is the Stand user then? 

Co-Pilot: Actually, he's in the back seat. 

There was a blanket in the back of the helicopter, but no one was there. 

(Y/N): Is he really there? 

Polnareff: Oh, maybe he's asleep. Come on! Wake up! 

Polnareff tried to wake him up. 

Pilot: WAIT! The helicopter ride was rough! He's in a bad mood! 

Joseph and Avdol: POLNAREFF! STOP! 

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