Ninja Village Invasion!

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Death Knight was contemplating what to do next. 

Death Knight: DAMN IT! Uroboros was not found amongst the wreckage. They found a way to eliminate all traces of it. 

Tyrian: Now what do we do? 

Death Knight: We need to wipe out anyone who could be a potential ally to (Y/N) and his friends. 

Riser: Okay, and where exactly do we go? 

Hazel: I have a suggestion. 

Death Knight: Fire away, Hazel. 

Hazel: In the Ninja World of the Fox Boy, there are four other villages aside from the Hidden Leaf. There's the Hidden Sand Village, which contains their powerful leader, Gaara, he was a Jinchuriki but lost his Tailed Beast to one of the Akatsuki. 

Tyrian: Orochimaru said that he was some blonde nobody who really hated when people talked shit about his crappy art. Honestly, I'd like to meet that guy. He sounds up my alley. 

Hazel: There's the Hidden Stone Village, run by the old man Ohnoki. He may be small and old. But his Particle Style Jutsu is fearsome. Even his own granddaughter has been trying to convince him to retire. 

Death Knight: A brave old man, I'll give him that. 

Hazel: The Hidden Mist was where all the of the Ninja Swordsmen come from. 

Death Knight: A shame that even if we brought Zabuza Momochi back with us, he wouldn't agree to assist, because of that boy. 

Riser: And? 

Hazel: The Hidden Cloud Village. Though they're not the most sociable of the five villages, they have another advantage. This man. 

He showed a picture of a guy with blonde hair, dark skin, and well ... swords. 

Death Knight: This man looks like a buffoon. 

Hazel: He is, but according to our sources, Killer Bee is the Eight Tails Jinchuriki. 

Riser: WHAT?! 

Tyrian: That guy is a Jinchuriki? Why couldn't we just bring that Sasuke Uchiha guy again? 

Hazel: No. Sasuke Uchiha is too dangerous to keep around. He and Uzumaki are both threats. 

Death Knight: Hmmm ... so, we will have to crush all 4 of the Villages. And then we save the Hidden Leaf for last. 

Hazel: Yes. I agree with that. I think it would be good payback on that Fox Brat. 

Death Knight: Alright, we'll be leaving soon. I'll contact Vali. He has already trained hard. And I'll see to it, that he takes a Tailed Beast for one of us to use. 

Things were going to get pretty crazy, that's for sure! 

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