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Before you read what this book is about, I want you to know that I hate clichés. With a passion. A cliché is something that's been done over and over. I don't want be one of those writers to do something that has already been done. This book will not be cliché by any means necessary. Will it have something's you've seen before? Yes. But it will be different.

This book is about a guy and girl. It's a romance novel I'm not going to lie about that. But I think romance isnt about love. It's about what lengths and measures that people go through to get that desired feeling we call love. Love doesn't show up at your door step you have to go through anger, sadness, joy, and happiness get love. That's what I want to display in this book.

That will be my moto to the first and the last chapter of all my books that I ever write. I hope you enjoy this book because I love writing it. Thanks guys.


Kendall Evans is one of those girls who doesnt swoon over a guy with a pretty face. It takes a lot to for someone to impress her. Then Adam Foster walks in her life. Adam is the biggest player at their school. If he gives a single glance to a girl she falls apart. When Adam and Kendall make a bet that if Adam can make Kendall attracted to him then it proves his point that every girl falls for him. If Kendall doesn't become attracted to Adam then he will quit his player ways. Who will win the bet?

Well read and find out.

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