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Joe clocked out of work later than usual that night, he never set a time when he left work. If a patient needed him he would be there without thinking straight away even if he would be late home for his dinner that his mother cooked him. Joe worked in a hospital as a nurse but it was only something he was doing to earn some extra cash and some work experience for being a pediatrician. There was something about children he loved and he wanted to help sick children and their parents where he could otherwise he'd be in childcare or something, he'd always been a smart guy as it was and wanted to raise his own children in a stable environment. Joe climbed into his car heading towards his parent's house where he still lived with his younger brother. The two of them being the only ones who still lived with their parents, he wanted to be around as much as he could without being a burden on them. He loved his parents. Joe pulled up outside his house knowing that he was late for dinner but had text his mother to tell her he was on his way. He climbed out his car locking it then making his way up the path and into the house.

"It's only me!" Joe called slipping his shoes off then making his way into the kitchen just in time for his mother to set a plate of dinner on the island. He kissed her cheek before sitting up on the bar stool tucking into his chicken meal.

"How was work?" Denise questioned.

"It was good, little Alfie was released today after having the all clear that his cancer was gone." Joe grinned, he often formed a strong bond with the children which sometimes was a good thing but sometimes wasn't. He's had to let some children go because there wasn't anything else the hospital could have done. That was the worst feeling.

"That's brilliant news, I bet his parents are thrilled." Denise praised sitting next to her son kissing his cheek gently. She was beyond proud of her middle son.

Joe and Denise entered the living room once Joe was done with his dinner, Nick was sat on the couch watching a series that he watches every week, Kevin had moved out at this point leaving Paul and Denise alone with their other two sons. Paul was in the armchair doing his crosswords but looked up when he heard them enter the room.

"There's my doctor son." Paul praised Joe giving him a smile sitting down next to him giving him a quick hug. He was close to both his parents.

"Not quite yet dad but I'm getting there." Joe replied pulling away from the hug.

"Just take your time and do it right," Paul instructed Joe nodding his head turning to his brother starting a conversation up with him. Nick was getting ready to leave school graduation creeping up on him after he had done his exams. "After this Nick go study, we want to get you into a good college." Nick rolled his eyes.

"I already know what college I'm going to and I've secured a place with my predicted grades." Nick replied paying his attention back on the screen.

"You're not going to that school and studying music, you'll be a successful doctor like your older brothers." Paul lectured.

"Paul please don't start." Denise warned Paul getting up leaving the room. Joe sighed moving into his spot so he wasn't sat in the middle anymore.

"I blame you for this, if you hadn't have followed Kevin's footsteps then he wouldn't be bugging me." Nick snapped Joe rolling his eyes this time. They often fought because of the situation. They all used to be close until they grew up.

"I wanted to be a doctor, I didn't let dad push me into it." Joe answered.

"Oh yeah because your just the perfect son aren't you." Nick grumbled getting up too leaving. Joe buried his head in his hands as his mother rubbed his back.


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