Thirty Six

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"I'm just happy he agreed to come on a walk." Joe stated sitting down next to Demi after passing her a drink. Nevaeh was sat next to her but he eyes were glued on the TV screen.

"Yeah that's a huge step for you and he let you carry him; you must be earning his trust a little better." Demi praised Joe smiling nodding his head in agreement.

"I think he is; it's just going to take a while for him to get used to people coming around. I know my parents are wanting to see me since it's been a while and I dare say Kevin will too with him not being able to see me at the hospital anymore."

"Let them come over, don't change your lifestyle just because he's here. You need to keep your life as normal as you can otherwise it will probably make things harder for him." Demi advised Joe sighing knowing that she was right.

"Yeah your right, I'd like it if you could come over with Nevaeh. He needs to get used to you too cause you're not going anywhere either." Joe stated.

"I'm not am I?" Demi smiled as Joe did too leaning down kissing her gently Demi kissing him back before he pulled away.

"Nope, I'm not letting you." Joe pecked her lips gently again before pulling away completely wrapping his arm around her Demi smiling again laying her head on his chest enjoying being so close to him.

"And what if I want to leave?" Demi teased again.

"I already said I wouldn't let you." Joe teased back tightening his grip on her as she tried to get up laughing as she leaned against him again.

"Okay I believe you." She answered leaning up kissing him gently again.

"Zack come here," Joe demanded softly as he sat on the floor with a whimpering Mason. Zack ran over kneeling down by Joe. "Do you want to help change his diaper?" Zack nodded his head watching as Joe unstrapped the diaper from Mason taking it from him. He was about to put another one on him when he felt himself getting wet. "Mason James!" Zack started laughing along with Dem and Nevaeh, Joe smiled shaking his head gently as he continued to change Mason's diaper.

"And that is why I'm glad I had a girl." Demi teased.

"Whatever Demetria, carry on while I jump in the shower?" Joe inquired Demi nodding her head smiling slightly.

"Come on Zack, let's button his baby grow up," Demi demanded as Joe wondered into the bathroom Zack wanting to follow but wanting to stay with his brother. "Pop them together look." Demi stated doing one to show him Zack copying to do the other then kissing his cheek gently. Demi smiled lifting Mason back up.

"Mason happy now." Nevaeh mumbled taking her fingers out her ears making Demi laugh looking over at her daughter.

"Yeah baby girl Mason feels nice and clean now," Demi answered taking the pacifier from Zack putting it in Mason's mouth. "You want to come lay him down?" Zack nodded his head following Demi into Mason's room watching as Demi laid him down. Zack stood up on the stool Joe had placed in the room for him. "Happy?" Zack nodded his head stepping down leading the way out of the room sitting down on the floor Demi taking a seat on the couch.

"Mommy why babies sleep so much?" Nevaeh questioned.

"Because they need to grow big and strong like you and Zack." Demi replied kissing her head gently as se snuggled up to her a bit.

"Or like you and Joey?" Demi nodded her head.

"Eventually," Demi watched as Zack got up. "Zack where are you going?" Demi got up following Zack as he ran out of the apartment. 

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