Twenty Six

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Joe rushed into work later on that night when he got a call saying Zack was refusing to eat. It was hard because Joe couldn't work twenty-four hour days himself, it wasn't the best place for Zack to be. Joe stayed in his regular clothes not planning to stay for long until he went back home and had some time to himself but he sat down on the edge of Zack's bed who had his arms crossed over his chest in protest his sandwich in front of him.

"Zackary what are you doing?" Joe tried to joke but Zack didn't laugh. "You're worried about your brother right?" Zack sighed slightly nodding his head. "I have two brothers myself you know and I know I would feel the same about my younger brother if he was in danger and I know our older brother worries about us at times."

"I do and you should be at home," Kevin lectured Joe rolling his eyes as his older brother appeared. "We found your brother Zack." Zack quickly looked up at him Kevin nodding his head a smile on his face assuring him that he is okay.

"See I told you the police would find him," Joe cooed slightly rubbing his leg. "Now would you eat that yummy sandwich just for me?" Joe and Kevin smiled as he picked up the sandwich beginning to eat it Kevin getting the chance to pull Joe away. "Is his brother okay?"

"He's in a better state then what Zack came in but not great. He was found cold and wet, he's underweight but I don't think it will be too hard for him to get himself better with some help. Charles contacted social workers and they're coming over tomorrow to talk about what will be happening, Mason will have to go to a foster home but Zack is old enough." Joe nodded his head gently taking in a deep breath, he was relieved.

"I can't stick around cause I have a date." Joe grinned feeling his brother pat his back.

"Good luck, see you tomorrow." Kevin praised before leaving his brother to check on his other patients. Joe said a quick goodbye to Zack before he left.

"I'll take Nevaeh to my house just in case." Colton smirked feeling Demi punch his arm rubbing his arm where she had punch him.

"There will be none of that, we're both mature adults." Demi stated continuing to put her eyeliner on ready for when Joe would pick her up. She was looking forward to tonight, able to spend some alone time with Joe but she was nervous too. She trusted Colton to look after Nevaeh but it was the first time they would be separated since the operation.

"Just have a good time alright? You deserve to be happy." Colton breathed Demi smiling nodding her head gently.

"I intend to, he's a really nice guy." Demi answered lifting Nevaeh up when she ran over kissing her cheek gently.

"Mommy look pretty." Nevaeh complemented Demi smiling.

"Thank you, do you think Joey will think I look pretty?" Demi questioned Nevaeh nodded her head. "Do you mind mommy going on a date with Joey?"

"No me let mommy have Joey." She mumbled Demi letting Colton take her from her as the doorbell echoed through the house.

"Have a goodtime." Demi kissed Colton's cheek then Nevaeh's head before she wondered over to the door opening it up smiling as she saw Joe stood there.

"Sorry I'm a bit late..." Joe begun but Demi cut her off.

"It's fine, Kevin sent me a text," She replied pecking his lips gently grabbing her bag before she exited the house taking hold of his hand. "You love your job too much."

"I don't love the job; I love the kids," Joe admitted. "But let's not talk about work this is our night." He kissed her temple making her smile as he led the way to his car. 

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