Seventy One

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Denise and Paul had a hold of the young boy whilst he was awake then he was laid back down in the clear plastic crib so he could sleep in peace. They had to promise Nevaeh and Zack they would be able to hold him when they all got home and he was a little healthier. They couldn't wait. Nevaeh was now sat down with Demi playing with the duvet having missed her mom, Joe was sat on the couch he sleeps on with Zack and Mason reading them both a story with the help of Zack, Denise and Paul had gone to the cafeteria.

"When Kai comes home will it be different?" Nevaeh questioned her mom not wanting to join in with the story but sit with her mom instead and spend some time with her.

"Yes it will be loads different but it will be a good different right?" Nevaeh nodded her head looking up at her mom.

"I still wish I had a baby sister! Ew mom we're surrounded by boys!" Demi laughed leaning over kissing her nose gently smiling when her face scrunched up.

"But they are good boys." Demi reminded her.

"Boys we have to be naughtier." Joe whispered but loud enough for Demi and Nevaeh to hear making the young children laugh.

"I think the one in the middle is the worst." Demi grinned referring to Joe who sticks his tongue out at his girlfriend, Mason giggled again clapping his hands together.

"Mommy is naughty too, don't be fooled by her good looks or great kisses." Joe retaliated making them all laugh. It felt good for them all to be back together again and in one room able to mess around because everything was going to be okay. Kai was still fast asleep by the side of Demi's bed not being disturbed by anyone of anything, how it should be, Demi could hear little cooing noises every so often which brought a smile to her face as she watched him. She couldn't love anyone more than she loved her children. It was impossible.

"Do you think Kai will love SpongeBob like me and Zack do?" Nevaeh asked her mom making Demi laugh as he eyes moved from her son to her daughter. She wrapped her arm around her as Joe continued the story helping Zack with some of the bigger words.

"Maybe when he's older he will." Demi answered.

"I'll show him when he gets home." Nevaeh decided making Demi laugh shaking her head gently. She was glad to be going home soon, she missed home.

Joe and Demi were awoken that night by a midwife rushing into their room, they had taken him for the night so they could provide him with his medicine.

"Is Kai okay?" Demi demanded not caring that she was woken up, her son could be in danger and she needed to know so she could be there for him.

"I think you both need to come down and see him," She breathed Joe and Demi looking at one another before climbing up from where they were sleeping. They slipped their shoes on before they rushed down to where Kai was being kept. He was screaming, his voice croaky from crying so much it broke their hearts. "He's been sick several times and has a high temperature."

"C-Can I hold him?" Demi stammered the midwife nodding her head gently. Demi lifted Kai up in her arms but not even that calmed him down. She attempted to rock him but it didn't work, the nurses had tried everything and so has the doctor. They knew this wasn't looking good.

Both Joe and Demi stayed with Kai for a full half an hour while a team of doctors fought to see what was going on but it was too late. The infection was too harsh on his tiny body. Kai's screams slowly settled down as he passed away in his mother's arms his father right next to her stroking his cheek gently both of them in tears. 

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