Thirty Four

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Joe knelt down by the bath handing Zack a toy which he took playing with it straight away his eyes down at his hands. Joe had already bathed Mason Zack helping by pouring the water on the young boy, he knew Zack would trust him more if he saw he wasn't going to hurt his younger brother. He was protective of him already.

"I have some SpongeBob pyjamas for you too. I thought we could go shopping tomorrow and you can pick some clothes." Joe stated Zack looking at him then back at his hands, Joe was finding it hard to talk to him when he didn't want to say anything back but he just had to continue speaking to him in hope one day he would speak back when he was settled. It was going to be like this for a while but Joe knew he could do it, he wanted to give the two boys the best childhood and he wasn't going to give up until Zack was a happy boy.

Joe wrapped the towel around Zack leading him back into his bedroom. He could see how tensed he was as Joe begun to dry him but he wanted to make sure he was fully dry before he dressed him. Joe let him get dressed himself while he hung the towel back up in the bathroom ten helping him up onto his bed.

"Comfortable?" Joe questioned Zack nodding his head bringing the covers over him. "Sleep well, I'll take good care of Mason I promise." Joe didn't stand over Zack for too long leaving and shutting the door behind him. He'd check on him later when he hoped he would be asleep. Joe sat down on the couch after checking Mason was still asleep grabbing his phone ringing Demi's number seeing that she picked up straight away.

"Hi Joe, how are things?" Demi inquired.

"I just put Zack down to bed after a bath and I'll check on him soon to see if he's asleep or not. Mason had a feed that long ago and is sleeping, he'll probably need a diaper change before I go to bed," Joe explained. "How are you and Nevaeh? I miss her."

"She keeps asking about you too," Demi stated. "But she's okay, in bed too but you could talk to her tomorrow if you phone."

"I'll see." Joe promised.

"Take this time and relax yourself Joseph, your off work and both boys are in bed. You deserve some time to yourself now." Demi demanded.

"I know I do but I can't help but worry about Zack." Joe admitted leaning back on the couch but kept the phone up to his ear so he could continue to talk to Demi.

"I know you are but worrying isn't going to help anything, you need to keep your mind busy then check on him in thirty minutes. If he's asleep then that's good but if he's not just comfort him a little bit. It shouldn't take him that long to get to sleep." Demi suggested.

"I guess; I just wish I could skip a couple of weeks until he is settled. It's hard to see a boy so stressed because of what his own parents put him through," Joe sighed looking up when he heard crying through the baby monitor. "I have to go but I will phone in the morning and speak to Nevaeh, thanks for the help.

"Your welcome, good luck." Demi praised, they said goodbye to one another before they hung up Joe making his way into Mason's room lifting the young boy up in his arms.

"What's wrong little guy?" Joe cooed rocking him gently seeing him settle down a little bit "Did you have a bad dream?" Joe sat down in the chair keeping Mason close to him knowing he was just getting fussy. He looked up when he saw a figure in the doorway seeing that it was Zack. "Come here." Zack ran over allowing Joe to lift him up on his knee able to see his younger brother, Zack lifted his pacifier up placing it gently in his mouth. Joe smiled as Mason settled down almost instantly. He was going to be a great big brother as Mason grew up.

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