4- Black Ice

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4-Black Ice

I shook my head, and strode into the large city that met my eyes.

"Check it out, there's a bike shop!" said Dante.

"I'm not really into biking," I commented.

"Me neither," he commented. "But, my brother always loved to...." as if struck by a sudden thought, he sprinted away towards the shop, calling over his shoulder, "I'll meet you at the gym, battle the leader if I'm taking to long!"

I shrugged my shoulders, and walked off towards the gym, a large icy white one, large enough that it dwarfed the entire city.

I entered, easily pushing open the huge double-doors that were almost as high as the building itself. They must have been oiled lately.

Entering, I saw a young man sitting on a luxurious chair. He stood up as I entered, his eyes narrowing and his mouth curving into a sinister sneer.

"Well, well, well." he said cruelly, his black shirt and pants portraying his personality.

"Another little trainer? Ha. As if you even have the slightest hope of defeating me, the icy gym leader Jake."

"More like Black Ice," I commented.

"Hmmm. I like that name. I might just keep it. Of course, first I'll beat you a one on one battle."

"Bells." I said, calmly. Inside, however, I was burning with rage. This guy would get a beating.

"Haha. Snorunt, come out." he chucked a pokeball into the air, and a dome shaped pokemon appeared.

I pulled out my pokedex.

'Snorunt. The Ice Hat pokemon. Uses icy moves to freeze opponents.'

"All right!" I said.

"Use take down!"

Bells flew through the air, using it's signature move to hit the snorunt into the back wall.

The snorunt shook himself off, and blew a blast of icy wind at bells.

Bells, dodging amazingly, managed to veer around and smash snorunt into the wall once more.

I wish I had my camera with me to capture Jake's expression.

The system~thingy broke the silence.

'Snorunt has fainted. Celia and beldum are the winners.'

"W-what!? You defeated me? How? Well, I guess I better give you the badge, then."

He then proceeded to hand me a white badge in shaky fingers, as if repulsed by the entire action.

"Hey! Celia!" shouted a familiar voice, followed closely by the doors closing firmly. I looked over my shoulder while pinning on the magnificent badge.

"I'm here as well!" said Dante. "I'll battle you!"

Jake clenched his teeth. He seemed to be trying to make a descision. He finally came to a conclusion. "Look, I don't want anyone to know I was defeated by a ... Girl. (I felt like punching him in the face. It's actually a very good solution.) "So, I'm willing to give you this badge FOR FREE if you promise not to tell anyone, both of you."

"I promise," we said simultaneously. He tossed the badge to Dante, continuing, "Now put it on outside my gym. I don't need little trainers in here with their little wee pokemon."

I glared at him, then strode out quickly.

Outside the large over-built gym, Dante finished the ceremonial placing of the badge.

"Hey," I joked, "wonder if his gym is large enough to contain his ego."

"Probably not," Dante replied.

And so we were on our way once more.

WHY did Dante enter the bike shop? WHERE is their next destination? WHO is their next opponent? WHAT gym will they come to next? WHEN will team rocket strike next?

Be sure to add this book to your library for convenience. The next chapter will be out soon.

And of course, some random not-so-frequently-asked-questions. Where would we be without them?


1. How come Bells only uses one move?

• Well, actually, beldums can only use take down until they evolve. That's why bells will be evolving pretty soon.

2. How did the machine~thingy know Celia's name?

• Because it did.

3. Why did Dante enter the bike shop?

•READ THE NEXT CHAPTER, for crying out loud!


To give me a question, simply comment and ask. Or, if you simply are unable to comment for some unknown reason, private message me the question.

Include your fav. Pokemon (NO LEGENDARIES) and that pokemon will be included somewhere in this story or possibly the sequel. If there is one. Which there might be. Maybe.

Or a possible idea for a filler chapter. Or both. May be included depending.

Question can be anything from How are you? To- blah blah technical blah unknown blah chapter blah?

And if you are simply UNABLE to comment or private message, email me @ trocket@hotmail.ca


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