12- The Shortest Chapter EVER!

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12- The Shortest Chapter EVER!

—-Two pokemon left-

Vibrava (Celia) vs Magneton (Stella)

"Use dragonbreath!" I shouted once more, hoping in vain that the result would differ.

And it did.


Cause it blasted me in the stomach.

Well, I guess it's an improvement. In a way. Still, a blow like that is nothing to laugh about and brush off.

I mean, ouch.

And yes, I was knocked out.

I wasn't like some anime character who just says, "Wow I just got shocked by a thousand volts of electricity. Thanks for the friendship shock, pikachu. I know that pumping enough electricity to kill five elephants into me means you love me." and then just walk off like nothing ever happened.


And yes, I'm dreaming all of this. Yeesh, I certainly hope that didn't kill me. Would kinda ruin my dreams of becoming a pokemon champion, wouldn't it? DONT WALK TOWARDS THE BRIGHT LIGHTTTT!!!!!!!! Whoops, to late.



—-You know what, this is the PERFECT place to end the chapter. I really don't, as an author, have any ethical standards, but I REALLY love suspense. Especially when it comes to, "Oh no I just died the end tube in next time." Well, I hate it when an author does it to me. I'm fine with doing it to the readers. Still, I don't want to lose any possible readers. So I can reassure you that as surely as my name is Bob, Celia will die next chapter.

Not what you wanted, is it?

But still, I can reassure that the next chapter will be really good. Haha. This chapter was really short, though, so sorry about that. Haha. Tune in next Time for chapter thirteen of... 'The Elite Four... The Ultimate Goal...'

By Ilovetoread72.

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