RIP, Failed Pokemon FanFictions: Note and The Call of the Dead Story

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  • Dedicated to My Aunt

Hello everyone! I'm back again with yet another dead story!

First, though, a little note:

This is not a Pokemon FanFiction! This time, the story being killed is one of my first total fictions! (On/Intended for wattpad)

It's called The Call of the Wild, and it was 'inspired' by a coyote wandering around my neighborhood at the time when I started writing it. Unlike all other stories so far featured here, this story had two chapters before I kinda gave up and stopped writing it. I think there might still be part of chapter three on my iPod, but I think it broke a week back. Which really sucks because it had some important stuff on in :(

But, ah, onto the story.

Here are the completely UNEDITED two chapters of The Call of the Wild!


The Call of the Wild.

I got this idea after thinking about if the coyote that I saw today over and over again was part of a pack. Hopefully that coyote isn't as sentient as the ones in this story. And if you've read that other series, what is it called, oh right, Warriors, you may enjoy this. I really don't know, as I don't think I've ever read the series.


Reuben stalked his prey. The creature watched as the smaller creature, known by its humans as Foufou, left it's safe sanctuary. Every onecycle, the small, fluffy creature would leave it's dwelling and go outside for a quartercycle. It was then that Reuben would strike, first killing the small thing then bringing it back to his lair.

He didn't like what he did, he actually found it quite repulsive. But those of the CoyoClan could not lose their status position of strong, adaptable carnivores, lest become easy prey for others. Even DoClan could become the hunters, not the hunted. (Ugh) How would his family, his few semi-friends, survive? If their metabolisms couldn't really take too much vegetables and fruit, what could they do for food?

He leapt the fence, deep in thought. It was because of this he survived. Had he not thought about the role of the humans in the food chain, seconds later, he would not have hesitated. But, as fate would have it, he hesitated, glancing for less than a second at the humanplace.

'CRACK!' something miniscular and spheroid barely missed Reuben's head by less than a millimeter. His reaction was instantaneous, as he had been trained. He veered around, leaping back over the fence and back down into the ravine that bordered the humanplace, the home to his PartClan. His heart thudding back and forth in his ribcage, he skidded down the side of the sharp hill that led down to a ravine, that led through a deep, wide and very long crevasse. There were mere seconds before he was safely at home, away from the imminent danger.


Is it good? Bad? Do you like it? What could be improved upon? Ideas? I need LOTS OF FEEDBACK before I continue, because my other stories are taking up much of my time and I need good reason to continue. So, please help!******************************

(I'll probably change the name at some point if I continue)

And of course, I hope you enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!


Part two

Reuben panted heavily, his shoulders heaving. In the small hole his clan had dug out, a Holmount* or so coyotes were doing different things. The few that were pacing the floor bounded over the few leaplengths** to crowd Reuben, eyes wide.

*About a dozen, depending on the size and growth of the majority of coyotes.

**Roughly the length of a full-grown coyote.

"Reuben- what took you so long?" asked one.

The second simply glanced at his sleek gray body, his mouth in particular, and backed away, joining the others crammed in the back of the den.

The third, however, glared angrily at his mouth.

"Where's your catch," he sneered, and turning to the rest of the cave, followed up with, "I told you all Mr. Failure here wouldn't be able to manage a catch, after that fluke of his."

"Hey," reuben growled angrily, "sure, I didn't come back with a catch, but guess wha-"

"Stuff it," growled Blake, AKA the third coyote, "you know you either come back with a catch or ya don't come back at all."

Reuben gulped. He knew of this, but was hoping his news would bypass this...

"Please," he begged, "just listen..."

"Come back with a catch. Then we'll talk. Or..."

I nodded sadly. I would have a short sevencycle to bring in a catch, from three onecycles ago to three onecycles more, not including this onecycle. If I failed, I would be banned from all of my PartClan, and if word got out I had failed, possibly all of the CoyoClan itself. I nodded sadly and left the den.


Well? Whaddya think? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE comment, I REALLYREALLYREALLY need feedback and such. So, thats it for chappie two. Yay!****************************


The name Reuben must have come from my Aunt's doberman... Hm.


PLEASE! Do not think this is my standard! I kinda re-read it but didn't edit it, but trust me - I really, really, really, don't like it. O.o

It didn't have anything at all to do with Warriors, though, don't worry.

Um... What else...

Well, thanks for reading another completely dead story!


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