Pokemon Adventures: Arch 2.5 ~ Chapter 3

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First. EDIT The new cover is up. I REALLY owe FanFictionsOnly. I mean... So... This chapter is SO TOTALLY dedicated to her... I mean, I really owe her. She did so many things for this picture, so...

So. Please at least CHECK FanFictionsOnly out. I owe her that much.

And more.

So... Now the start of the chapter (Once more, thx FanFictionsOnly)


You're back again... And... Well... I think I'll give you some inhumane torture... AND TALK ABOUT A DIFFERENT MAIN CHARACTER!!! MWUHAHAHA!!! You won't get the conclusion to the cliffhanger just yet... But maybe this chapter... Hehehe... Please keep reading... Don't leave... :)



A young boy with a large safari hat and a fishing rod sprinted through a large and crowded town, dodging surprised inhabitants and speeding towards the edge of the town.

He eventually arrived at a small house on the outskirts of the town, and knocked politely on the freshly painted white door.

"Mr. Fisherman!" he called nervously.

The door cracked open and a man looked out.

"Yes, Yellow?"


Jade staggered back as a swift air slash attack flew right over his head, slicing off a few short strands of his very bright blonde hair, with a small green tint.

The man's Golbat lifted him over Jade's head, and landed swiftly behind him.

"Quick attack!"

The Golbat flew forward even before Jade had managed to turn around, and hit him square in the back.

Jade flew forward, smashing into and shattering the glass skylight.


In another part of the large region known as Kanto, a man wearing sleek black pants and a business black suit with what looked like a tiny rose lapel on it walked through a crowded town, pouring rain drenching his jet black hair.

He strode by a building once known as the Game Center, many of the lights burnt out and only serviced by a few bedraggled men, employed by the city of Celadon to keep one of their two or three tourist attractions working.

Still, there were only one or two men inside making use of the slot machines, and even the said slot machines were a sorry sight, most in disrepair, and some no longer functioning correctly. All in all, the man guessed Celadon would be more popular if they just tore down the building altogether. They wouldn't be tearing down much, that was for sure.

He continued on, reaching a group of hedges bordering another of the city's tourist attractions, this one kept in much better repair and obviously more popular, with always one or two people walking up.

This was the Celadon Gym.

The man, much learned in the arts of gyms, knew that the leader of this said gym was known as Celadon's Erika, master of the grass type.

Most ordinary people would not think as much of the more 'weak' grass type. The leader, the man knew, could easily use that to her advantage, being one of the most powerful gym leaders. She certainly was no easy win.

But that was the reason the man was there that day. He was wary; he did not know how his old... Teammate had progressed in the time he had last seen her.

Would she remember him? Certainly, she might, and he knew that would most definitely not be good. Even his name, these days, was regarded as a bad omen, to those who would recognize it. Though to some, it would be a good omen. In fact, it would be better than a good omen, to those few...

He knew he had to disguise himself, and while approaching the gym he used a technique he had... 'learned' from its creator, who had once, and possibly still was, his enemy...


Jade collapsed on the floor, and the man flew in, using his Golbat as aid, and landing beside the unconscious boy.

"Finish him, Golbat!"

The Golbat stopped hovering beside it's master and lunged for the boy...


"It's... It's..." Yellow panted heavily.

"Calm down, Yellow. What happened?" said the man patiently, holding up his hands with a small grin on his face.

Which was instantly wiped off and replaced by wide eyes by the young pokemon trainers' next statement.


The Golbat reeled back as it was hit with a fierce attack, a bone hitting it head-on in the face.

"Bonee! Once more!" the young master capturer shouted, as her ground-type pokemon relentlessly attacked the bat-like poison pokemon.

"Parsee! Spore!"

A crab-like pokemon with a gigantic mushroom on his back launched a large amount of spores, which covered both the man and his pokemon.

'WHEEE-OHHHH!!! WHEEE-OHHHH!!!" a siren blared as a blue and white car speedily approached the professor's laboratory and a man dressed in a blue suit leaped out and rushed into the building in haste.

Two growlithes joined the officer as he bolted inside, just as the man's Golbat grabbed him by the arm and he was lifted up into the sky, through the shattered skylight and beyond, disappearing before the growlithes' attacks could reach him, and the embers melted the little glass left, leaving nothing but a square-shaped hole in the ceiling.

"What happened!?" the policeman exclaimed at the sight of the unconscious boy and the girl leaning worriedly over him.


Like that? Hehe... So many ---/---'s in this chapter... xD.



More or less...

And um... So... PLZ COMMENT!!! That way I can give you credit for reading this... :D Soooo... I'm probably forgetting some things... Whatever... So I'll go and publish this story right now... cyall hope y'all liked it!!!



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