A Pokemon Adventure: ReWritten! (Watty Awards 2012) ~ Chapter 4

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With that in mind, here's chapter four!

First. I'd like to note that it is time for John to recieve his first pokemon. Or... not?


---/A Pokemon Adventure ReWritten Chapter Four/---

"Zzzzz... Zzzzz..." A loud, bothersome sound came from behind some trees.

"What... What was that..?" John stepped back, nervously.

"I don't know... Let's check it-!" He was interrupted by a shout.

"Wake up! AGH! WAKE UP!!!"

"Ack... What... What is going on?"

"Sounds like someone in pain... Let's go!" John exclaimed, dashing through the bushes with Chris.


In front of them, a man was shouting at his large pokemon, while "bee"ing attacked by an overly large and dangerous bee-like creature. (Must... Resist... Bad... Puns...)

'Beedrill,' Chris's pokedex beeped. (Couldn't... Resist...) 'A dangerous opponent. Beehind it, it has a pair of wings that enable it to fly at high speed. It attacks mercilessly, and you may bee beeten beefore you know it. It is a bug-poison type. Approach with caution. Bee careful.'

"Um... Okay..."

The man noticed them.

"Agh! Oh! Hello th- OUCH! If you're pokemon trainers, then- OOO! Would you mind helping me? ACK! I'm in a bit of a- EAGH! Jam, it seems... -OUCH!"

"Um... Okay then, go Starly!"

"Staaar!" It chirped happily, leaping off of Chris's shoulder.

"Um..." Chris glanced at his pokedex. No flying-type moves... This might not work... "Use quick attack!"

"Star!" The pokemon attacked the beedrill quickly.

"Ngh... It won't work, there's too large of a level difference... Maybe..."

"I would help," the man said, "but my Snorlax has fallen asleep again..."

The beedrill suddenly attacked violently with its stingers.

'Fury Attack,' the pokedex explained, 'is the only move that this beedrill knows."

"Great... Starly, return!" I checked my pokedex... Archen can use a flying-type move... "Go, Archen!"

"Arrr!" It flapped its wings.

Before the Beedrill could attack again, Chris called out a move. "Archen - Wing attack!"

Even though the Archen was at a five-level disadvantage, it succeeded in defeating the Beedrill with the super-effective flying-type move.


"Thank you," said the man, walking up to Chris. "I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up... To thank you both, you can both take this item..."

"Thank you!" John smiled.

They walked away quickly, getting back onto the ragged path.

"Wow... He gave us both a leftovers. Apparently, if you let your pokemon hold it, your pokemon will regain health periodically."

"All right!" Chris exclaimed. "That'll be helpful... Speaking of pokemon, I gotta catch you one!"

"Haha..! Let's go!"

They ran off, quickly getting deeper and deeper into the dismal place.


"Hff... My pokemon have... Gained a lot  of experience... But we still haven't found you one, and we appear to be reaching the outskirts of a town!"

"Yeah... Whatever, your pokemon probably need a visit to the pokemon center, anyway," John noted.

"You're right..."

They entered the small town, and went into the pokemon center, where Chris calmly healed his pokemon.

"Do you have any pokemon you'd like to heal?" the nurse asked John politely.

"Sadly, not yet..." John replied.

"Hmm... You say you'd like a pokemon?"

"Well, yeah," John replied, unsure of where the conversation was leading.

"You see, we recently received a pokemon in dire health from the police. Umm... Apparently, they rescued it from somewhere, and as it's healed a little now, I think it'd be best to get that troublemaker out of the pokemon center forever... I mean give the poor little thing a good home..."


"Great! Then, you'll take it! Here, I'll be right back!"

She walked into the back, mumbling to herself. "Finally rid of that little pest..."

She came out quickly. "Here you go, take it, good day and goodbye, no returns or refunds!"

With that, she shoved the pokeball into John's hand, and ushered him out of the Pokemon Center, the door sliding shut with a little 'clack' as soon as she went back in. Chris quickly came  out.

"That was odd... Well, then, I guess you've got yourself a pokemon..." Chris looked at the pokeball skeptically.


"Don't open it now, though, let's wait till tomorrow, there's a short path here to the next city, where we'll probably be able to find a pokemon center with beds... I don't think it would be best to go back into this one..."

The boys set off quickly for the city, reaching it right before nightfall, and checking in to a nice room in a pokemon center.

---/Back at the earlier pokemon center/---

"TELL ME!" The man dressed in simplisticly black clothing held the screaming nurse by her neck. "WHERE IS THE POKEMON?"

"What... Gasp... Pokemon?"

"The one you recieved from a police officer recently... TELL ME!" He spoke menacingly.

"I... Gasp... Gave it to a boy... A boy..." The nurse fainted, the man glaring at her.

"We have to find that pokemon..."


I'm actually a little doubtful... I might have shifted this plotline a little too far from the original... Oh well... :D

As of now, I will start doing level and pokemon lists for all trainers...


XXXXX LvL 10- Not near leveling up. (Recieved at level ten) Levels gained this chapter: 0


1 - Leftovers

5 - Potion

2 - Full Heal


Starly LvL 9- About to level up. (Recieved at level five) Levels gained this chapter: 4

Archen LvL 8- About to level up. (Revieved at level five) Levels gained this chapter: 3


1 - Leftovers

4 - Pokeball

3 - Potion

1 - Full Heal


Okay... So, that marks the end of this chapter... I've got a terrible headache, I'd work on the next chapter but I should probably just rest...

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