Wattpad, but Why? Interview/ Autobiography for kikikool625

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I found wattpad through a friend on my Jango account . . . We were talking about our hobbies and I tentatively mentioned that I wrote a bit. She wanted to read it, so she asked me to give her my wattpad username. At the time I had never heard of wattpad and I said so, and she gave me the link and explained that it was a site that you can read and post stories. I liked the idea because at the time I was looking for a way to promote my first story, Dalong. So, I signed up and I started posting. and to answer the last question, I write to get over my . . .erm . . . How to say it . . . . it's kind of a fear/strong dislike of writing. It's really hard for me to write, even this was hard to write . . . I don't know . . . I basically write to get over it. It has definitely gotten easier to write in the year I've been on wattpad, but sometimes no matter how hard I try the words just wont come to me. If you want to know anything else about me feel free to send me any of your questions! :D

- Wattautobiography by Kikikool625

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