10- Amber, not Ember!

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10-Amber, not Ember!

Ha. I actually can't believe that this chapter actually lines up with the A Pokemon Adventure!

Chapter 10 and 10!

:D Anyway I should get on with it.


Well, luckily enough, Dante and I managed to make it to the next city without running into any mad scientists or anything.

Hmmm.... And it was so hard to do as well....

Anyway, when we arrived in the city, it was dark out. So, what did we do? Not sleep, of course, but go and search for the gym. (We sleep between chapters)

So, we ended up at a large, fiery red, gym. And (without knocking as usual) we entered.

To literally run into a woman.

Who happened to be exiting as we entered.

Hahaha. Wow. While the chances of this is like 0.01023 in 1(10x0) it seems to have happened to us.

"Ack! Who are you?"

"We're here to challenge the gym leader."

"Well, I'm the gym leader for this city... But I was just going out to do some training at Lavi Volcano. But, whatever, I can just do it late tomorrow. I haven't had a challenger for forever!"

We walked to a small arena.

"I'll battle you first," said Dante.

"Kay," she said.

"One on one! Battle!"



The two pokemon appeared on the battlefield.

"Use flame punch!" said the quicker of the two, the Gym Leader.... "BTW I'm amber!" yah. Amber.*

*Yes, I realize she is Ember in APA, but WHA? Ember? What kind of name is that!? Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking! I think I confused it with Amber. Whoops. Hehe. Well, she's Amber now. At least that's a real name. Or maybe...


"Counter with water gun!" exclaimed Dante hurriedly. With a water type Pokemon, he should really have the upper hand but... Amber was pretty quick.


Magmar tried to punch Shocks with a fist of flame, but  shocks doused it with a powerful water spray.


"Shocks! Use water gun again!"

This time, Shocks blasted magmar head-on to deal a powerful knockout.

Poor Amber, water vs fire equals...

Either doused fire or evaporated water, which is much more unlikely.


"Here's your badge, kid." Amber said, tossing a small flame-shaped red badge in Dante's general direction.

She turned to me.

"You too, I guess."

"Yup," I replied, "Throh!"

The muscular red-skinned pokemon appeared in front of me.

"Flareon!" yelled Amber, throwing a great ball into the arena.

'Reon!' squeaked a small flame pokemon.

"Use seismic toss!" I yelled.'

"Blow it away with flame-thrower!"

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