RIP: Tears of Vengeance

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Tears of Vengeance


'ROAR!' came the cry of the monstrous beast.

"Run!!" screamed my mother, "take your sister and run!!!"

Tears in my eight-year-old blue eyes, I somehow manage to unfreeze myself and pick up the bundle of cloth that was my two-year-old sister, then proceed to run through the broken down back door, evading flames and stray blasts of energy.

I ran out into the night, my sister crying and tears streaming down my devastated face.

It was that dark, spring day when I, James R. Usien, vowed to never smile again.



Hmmm... A good principle is to always finish what you start. To bad I'm not that great at principles. Ha. This story is once more just a test to see if this idea, which randomly popped into my head while I was walking my dog, is good. So, the reason it's so short is I don't know what to do next. Hehe... But I'll do at least another paragraph before I end this. So, I need more feedback before I continue. Or officially end. :D

Hope you like this pokemon Fan-Fiction.

(BTW- Yes, all the rights to the plot, characters, storyline, etc, belong to me, while POKEMON, pokecenter, pokemart, etc. Belong to the POKEMON company)


I walked down the aisle wearing my neatly ironed black tuxedo. I held an ornate, small, white pillow delicately in my uncomfortably outstretched arms. I made sure to look greatly happy and interested, without smiling. But, in fact, I was greatly bored. But, determined at the same time. Tomorrow I turned 12 and was therefore eligible to become a certified pokemon trainer and receive a pokemon from the Shiton Region's Professor, Prof. Sahara.

I snapped back out of daydreaming. I kept walking carefully down the aisle. Finally, I reached the Bride & Groom and handed Ms. Grentwuich the diamond ring.

She smiled sweetly, (I knew she was faking) and I made my way swiftly back down the (Rather long) aisle.

Mere seconds after I quietly pushed open the double doors and shut them softly, I panted and ripped off my  sweaty black tie. Man, it was put on WAY too tight.

Back to my earlier thoughts. Why was I determined, not happy, to become a pokemon trainer? I had, only hours after the first vow I ever made, made one more vow- To get revenge on the ones who shattered my once peaceful life.

I walked down the confusing hallways of the church, and sighed. I really was excited to get the pokemon, despite my earlier statements. I would say goodbye to my younger five-year-old sister, promising to return every year. Then I would go, become a master trainer and exterminate the vile villains (Get that, I like to rhyme) who would be locked away forever, and never, ever, do anyone anymore harm.

Of course, I could always forgive (as if) and forget, (never) as my 'Counsellor' /suggested/ as fakingly kindly as she could. I mean, WHAT? FORGIVE the -censored- people who destroyed my entire life, future, and PAST? Really, what is she THINKING? Plus, I DON'T need a counsellor. It's NOT like I've got anger management issues or something. REALLY! HOW CAN YOU NOT BELIEVE ME!!?

Sheesh. PEOPLE these days.

SO narrow minded.

Anyway. Back to the subject at hand. Tomorrow I GET MY FIRST POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I walk down the front steps of the church in which the wedding was taking place, and jog ten or so blocks down a hill to arrive at my quote-on-quote 'Home'.

Ms. Grentwuich's home for mental children.

Just kidding, it's actually Ms. Grentwuich's home for orphans. But it's like a mental home. Honestly, you go to small, inclosed classes in the morning, come back, they lock you in your room for three mind-numbingly boring hours, and let you out for an hour of group counseling with a counsellor, and then you have slop- I mean supper, and are tied into bed. Nah, you aren't, but when I wake up my right wrist always has a red mark that goes all the way around, there's a random post right beside each bed, (on the right, in case you were wondering) and I've seen boxes of medium and small-sized handcuffs here and there.

But maybe I'm just paranoid.

I wish.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm FREE!


But, according to my 'counsellor', I'll never be truly free until my consciousness fully forgives those who have done me wrong.

Two words: HA HA.

Actually, I could chuckle for hours about all the things they 'Teach' me, but as I said I've arrived at my Mentall- I mean Home.



I walk up the steps, and push open the PokèHome* glass door, and walk on the soft carpet to my tiny room. I share it with my sister, Jessabell.


I fall down on my hard, uncomfortable, bed, and glance over at my seven-year-old sister, who was sitting on her bed. She smiled at me, her sweet, kind smile easily brightening up my thoughts.

"Hey big bro, how was the wedding?"

"Horrible," I reply, making a face.

"Okay, that’s life. I guess. Anyway, your birthday is tomorrow, so you can go on your pokemon Journey. Do you know which one you'll choose?"

"The most powerful one," I reply, chuckling. But, I really hadn't thought of it much yet. Hmmm. Probably whatever one I can get; I honestly can't wait. I've had a year of pokeschooling now, and I know enough to get my first pokemon tomorrow.

I try my hardest to keep myself from smiling, a rare situation, and ask my sister a quiet question, "I bet everything will be nicer here now that the slavedriv- I mean owner, Ms. Grentwuich, is married."

"I don't know about that," replied my sister. "Who knows how nice her husband will be."

"Hahaha, I guess so. Anyways, when I get my pokemon, I'll come back here and show it to you. I'll catch a pokemon for you, and give it to you!"

My sister giggled cutely. "Yay, big brother! And I'll be sure to study hard so I can quickly catch up with you. Anyway, we should probably get to sleep now, because we have a big day tomorrow!"

With that, she promptly flopped over and fell asleep. I didn't even bother going out of my room to check on anything, or say goodnight to a friend (I didn't have any), because I knew the door would have automatically locked, and had I not entered my room by exactly 7:00, (they have video cameras) I would be found and severely punished. And, as you might guess, the windows were barred. (Did I mention that already?)

So, I rolled over and quickly fell asleep, a well practiced talent, yet always hard to do in the desert-like region of Shiton.


Well? Did you like it? Hate it? In between? Anything else? _____ could be improved upon?


I need feedback before I continue, and trust me, I've got some pretty cool ideas for it.

So, yes, I need any type of feedback you can give me.

If you don't have a wattpad account, which makes you unable to comment, but you still have feedback (of any kind) just email me @

But if you have wattpad I'd much rather you commented.

But either way is WAY preferable to nothing.


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