An Adventure Into the Sky: Chapter 3- Clefairy's Guild... and Supper!

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3- Clefairy's Guild... And Supper!

Dragging our pikachu into a large, wigglytuff-head-shaped tent, the munchlax started talking, which was giving our pikachu a severe headache. "so, we have exploration teams, who like explore caves and stuff, and we've got our own mini treasure town with shops and some other stuff, and of course we have our job boards, for jobs and stuff, and I want to be an explorer, but clefairy won't let me, and he says the minimum size is two for a team, and that means I have to find someone, to be my partner, and- 

Hey!!!" he suddenly shouted, "YOU could be my partner!" engulfing pikachu in a hug, he continued, "you will join team Epic Munchlax, won't you???" 

"uggghh," groaned pikachu, struggling against his grip. "su-sure, whatever you say," grunted pikachu, willing to do anything to escape. But he didn't account for one thing: his new partner hugging him even harder.

Gaz dragged him down a ladder, and pikachu realized that the tent itself was a deception, covering up the hole in the ground, which led to the actual guild. Before pikachu could even take in his surroundings, Gaz dragged him through an archway into a large room with one huge table and dozens of chairs. Gaz motioned for him to sit down. Sitting down, pikachu finally took the chance to survey his surroundings, and get a good feel for the place. Glancing around the room, his gaze first settled on the chairs. Ornate and fancy, the set could have cost millions. It probably did. He then glanced at the paintings on the wall, beautiful and well-drawn, one depicted a wigglytuff with a smile on his face. Another showed a young riolu with an eevee. The riolu was somehow getting punched by the eevee. Or kicked. One of the newer ones showed a gigantic hurricane-kinda-like thing, which, pikachu guessed, would be the horrific monsoon that ravaged this 'Treasure Town'. Tired of looking around the walls, his line of sight changed to the people sitting around the table, whom for some reason he had just noticed. And they were all staring at him.  


And now for a word from our sponsor:

Wattpad is awesome.

Now, for a few brief commercials.

'All over the world, trees are getting cut down, forests are disappearing and animals are losing their habitats. This may be old news to many, but I think it's just about time we made it history. Good morning honourable judges, ---- 

For more awesome speeches, visit awesomespeechesandmore.gtomre/awesomespeech 

That one really wasn't brief.


Books! Books! And more books! Reading is good for you so read read read, but don't forget it's polite to vote on what you like, and also what you don't like or you're kinda even. But only if the book's title begins with 'A Pokemon...' Otherwise it's really your choice...

And now for our feature presentat- 

"Off to bed!!! You've been reading that episode for the last hour!!!" 

"Buut dddaaaaddd, it's the exciting part!!!" 

"too bad. Go to bed or else."

*sniff* Looks like this is a good time to end this chapter, but I'll continue just cause I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, nice. And because it'll (hopefully) gain me more votes.

So finally, now for our feature presentation.

Awkward. Why were they all staring at him? Was it because he was new? Different? The booger on his nose? [magically grabs tissue out of non-existent pocket, wipes nose] That can't be it. Could it be because they just introduced him, but he was staring off into space and didn't notice at all? Nah, that couldn't be it. *Ahem* grunted one of the Pokemon sitting around the table, a large, intimidating bird Pokemon, gray in colour, "as the 'secretary', it is my pleasure to introduce -again- our new member, a pikachu. What is your name?"

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