15- The Ditto Theory

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15- The Ditto Theory

A team rocket goon was blocking our path. Soaked to the skin with precipitation, he was holding two rain ponchos in one hand, and two pokèballs in the other.

"How about a bet. If I win a double battle, I get your Pokèmon. If I lose, you get these rain ponchos."

"Well... You'd steal our pokemon anyway..." said Dante.

"Yeah sure!" I said. How hard could he be..?

"Arceus! Mew!"

My pokèdex fainted.


Well? Short chapter, eh? Just joking. I'll continue. I couldn't bear to leave you hanging like that.


But I'll have a commercial break.


Then they sent me off, to defeat him and bring him in. Or dispose of him, whichever was easier. Of course, they had added, that bringing him in was 'preferable'. In other words, if I did anything else they'd torture me again. And possibly kill my dog. Painfully. Now, I know this doesn't sound like a great situation I'm in. I know.


Excerpt from 'The Shadows of Dusk'


I think that commercial was long enough to make you feel suspense.


"Ack!" I exclaimed, throwing a pokeball.

"Go!" Dante released a pokeball fearfully.

"Uh-oh...." muttered the goon.

"Are you sure you don't want to forfeit?" he asked.

"Never! I'll never back down!"

Dante nodded in agreement.

My bells and his Kabbs steeled themselves.

"Return!" exclaimed the goon. Dropping the ponchos on the ground, he ran away, calling over his shoulder, "I'll get you next time!"

He retreated into the darkness.

"That was odd," I said.

"Pokedex, can you tell why he forfeited?" Dante asked his pokedex.

'Ummm... I think he couldn't control two level 100 legendaries,' said the pokedex.

"Riiiiigghhtt..." I said. "Somehow I doubt that..."

'Wait a minute,' said my pokedex, 'those were dittos!'

"Right!" I exclaimed. "If they're dittos, they must have taken the form of the legendaries to scare us."

Continuing, I elaborated, "I learned the ditto theory in school! Dittos can take to form of any pokemon, as long as they see it in a picture or have the form described to them, or see the pokemon to copy. But, they cannot copy the copied pokemon's moves, so they are mostly useless in battle."****

****I'll take a moment to explain this. Have I mentioned this is a FanFiction on the manga, the one known as 'Pokemon Adventures', starring Red as the main protagonist, as well as his rival Blue, and the 'theif' known as Green? Then Yellow, later, as well as Gold, Silver, then in book 10 Crystal? Yah. That's the manga series I'm talking about. I might start a thread for all 'Pokemon Adventures' fans. Anyway. So, in this manga, a ditto can take the form or any pokemon, as long as it knows what it looks like.

But, as I am aware, in the manga dittos are unable to use the attacks of the copied pokemon. So, that is why I did this theory. Thank you. And now back to the story.

"Well..." said Dante.

Anyway, we continued on towards the next city, known as 'Floragreen Town'. But we did a ton of training on the way there.


Wait! Please don't leave. This afterword actually contains something quite relevant to the story!

Okay, I will do the current levels (roughly) of the pokemon. AFTER training on the way to FloraGreen Town. So these numbers might not make any sense. Feel free to complain.


Bells/Metang Level 43 (Thanks to 'Defeating' two level 100's)

Pikks/Pikachu Level 36

Throh Level 38

Vibes/Vibrava Level 41 (Remember, she caught it roughly level 37 or 38, due to it evolving at 35. You shouldn't be able to get a level 34 Vibrava.)

I already know what Celia's team will be, but you can still feel free to suggest a pokemon you want in her team. I will consider bumping /Spoiler/ for it.


ChiCha/Monferno Level 35 (Um... I think Dante forgot to train it...)

Kabbs/Kabuto Level 39 (Due to training+ 'Defeating' two level 100s.)

Shocks/Chinchou Level 39 (WILL BE EXPLAINED)

Umm... Did I miss any evolutions or pokemon??? I'm horrible with that. Sorry. If ____ was supposed to be a _____, or if ___ captured a ____ and I forgot, PLEASE tell me. I will correct immediately. Thank you.

Also, feel free to suggest your fav pokemon for Dante's team, no legends, if you want. Thanks and have a good day. Or night. Or etc. Also,

Thanks for reading

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