19- Old friends, new friends

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19- Old friends, new friends

Well. This is chapter 19. Um... Yeah. So... Yeah... Anyway... Should probably get on with this...


Where am I? What's going on? I can't see... Help me...


Dante walked up to the gym, as two girls and a boy walked out triumphantly.

"Hey... Don't I recognize you guys?" he asked them bluntly, catching their attention.

"Um.... Oh! Right, hey Dante!" exclaimed one suddenly, the boy, who looked somewhat overweight.

"You probably wouldn't recognize us. It has been a long time," said one girl.

"Mmmmmm..." agreed the other girl, seeming to be intently thinking about something else. She reached into her backpack suddenly and pulled out a red device.

Opening it, she shut her eyes and showed the display screen to the others.

"It's a dragonair!" she exclaimed proudly, "isn't it!?"

"You've got us there, Anne," replied the boy.

"Anyway," said the first girl, "I'm Jane, this is Clark, and this one with the seemingly infinite knowledge is Anne."

"You were in the same class as me, before I was taken out!" Dante exclaimed, suddenly recalling those past days with his old friends.

"Yeah. We heard you were traveling with Celia, and we wanted to meet up, possibly... I dunno. Where is Celia, anyways?"

"Um... I looking for her right now," he blustered uncomfortably, looking around.

Handly, at that moment, a bird dropped out of the sky, and hovered randomly in front of them, making gestures crazily.

"Hey!" Dante exclaimed, "that's Celia's Rufflet!"

"What's it trying to tell us!?" exclaimed Jane.

"A pokemon making these exact frantic gestures may be trying to alert you to the fact that it's trainer has been captured by Team Rocket and is being held in their secret underground HQ that is located right over there," Anne finished, pointing.

Everyone stared at her, open-mouthed.

"You can tell all that from the gestures!?" Dante exclaimed.

"That and I pulled the note off it's leg and read it," she said.


"Let's save her!" exclaimed Jane.

"Yeah!" agreed Clark, "if we're gonna become members of the Elite Four, we're gonna have to be able to do something like this!"

Dante stared at him. "You guys all want to become part of the Elite Four!?"

"Yeah, that's why we're traveling together!" answered Anne.

"I do too!" he exclaimed. "Celia's with me because she wants to be... I don't actually really know. But... We should rescue her and then ask!"

"All right!" all four of them dashed off in the direction of the 'secret' HQ.

-->That's way too short for a chapter, so I'm gonna do a second part for the chapter.<--

---19 Part two- The Four Friends' search!---

It was only minutes before they arrived at the amazing HQ.

"How will we open the door?!" whined Dante.

"Um... Maybe the obvious?" said Clark.

He expertly threw a pokeball, and a large, white-and-greenish-black pokemon appeared.

"Snorlax! Take down that door!"

The large pokemon didn't headbutt the door. It didn't kick it, or punch it.

It just turned the handle.

And the door swung ominously open.

Anne rolled her eyes and walked in.

Inside, a Team Rocket member was lying on the ground, staring at them angrily.

"Haha! We have killed your little friend! We shall soon do likewise to you! We shall destroy you!!! Torture you! MwuHAHAHA!!!!" he exclaimed.

A deathly silence filled the room, as everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

"Celia... Dead!?" Dante gasped, falling on one knee, eyes open wide in sadness/amazement. He panted heavily.

Then, he struggled and got up.

"We. Will. Make. You. Pay." he said, and any sane human or pokemon alike would have cried for mercy at the insane glint in his darkening eyes.

But he didnt.

"Go ahead then. I'm not afraid of you!" the Rocket Member chuckled coldly.

Four pokeballs opened simultaneously.

And four powerful pokemon appeared, menacingly.

"Lopunny!" "ChiCha!" "Bibarel!" "Roserade!"



Dante's reaction speaks of many things.... Hehe...

I know, Celia's been dead before (xD that sounds really weird) but this time... Hehe... But, for once, I already have some of the next chapter planned out... And Celia is SO going to be mad at me (xD no guesses at what happens plz! I want a total surprise) Anyway. Sorry this took so long to come out, production is slow cause I'm on vacation. I thought it would be faster, but I just re-started my old Sapphire so... xD Also, does anyone have Emerald? I kinda need help for something... A little project... So if you have emerald, PLZ PM ME!!! :D it involves a book that I'm planning... But I can't do it without the help of someone with the game known as emerald... :D

Anyway. I hope everyone liked this chapter. Hehe... Next chapter out soon!

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