An Adventure Into the Sky: Chapter 2- Gazooks!!!

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who was waiting for this chapter.


Yup, I'm finally updating. It's a little short but I'm kinda blocked for a storyline. Whatever, I'm sure you'd rather read this chapter than listen to me ramble on.

But it seemed fate would not have this way...

"GAZOOKS!!!" came a cry from right behind our 'hero'. He spun around to see a short, squat creature jump out from a rather small bush.

"who... are you?"

"I'm a munchlax, Gaz. And you're a pikachu!!! Guess why they call me Gaz!!?" continued the munchlax, hyperactively.

"uhh... hopefully not the reason I'm thinking of..." replied the pikachu, a little taken aback.

"because my catchprase is GAZOOKS!!! But that's not the only reason..."

"heh... no more information please..." interrupted the pikachu.

"okay okay okay!!! So, what what are you doing in treasure town????"

[side note: Gaz will always be talking hyperactively, unless otherwise stated.]


"This town is called treasure town!!! About ten years ago it was ravaged by a monsoon. It was terrible!!! BUT everyone survived in the place I live, clefairy's guild. It used to be called wigglytuff's guild, but HE is older now and passed it on to his friend. Now I must bring you back to the guild for supper!!!"


Grabbing our poor pikachu by the hand, he cheerfully dragged him off towards... certain doom? Or supper?

Find out next time in... An Adventure into the Sky. Part 3.

Thank you.

For now.

And if you're wondering where the radom, incredibly long afterwords are, they'll come soon.


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