Wattpad, but Why?

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There are apparently over a million people on Wattpad. (And Wattpad is awesome enough for that, I think.) But, sometimes you wonder: How did these people find wattpad? Why did they join it? And if they write, well, why?

This book is a series of interviews of wattpad users.

In other words, their "wattaugraphies" ...

But wait!

If you'd like to be in here, PM me your autobiography. It MUST include: How you found Wattpad, Why you joined it, and If you write, Why?

IF your autobiography is longer than 2000 characters, you can email it to me at ilovetoread72@gmail.com

You can also put it in a comment on this page.

I am currently rather busy, but if you email it I'm sure I'll get around to posting it at one point. XD

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