21- A two-part chapter!

349 3 14

21-1- Destination, Plaza!

Hum... I don't know how to... Hmmm... Anyway. Can anyone guess Team Rocket's plan? If you want to, I can't guarantee whether I'll answer... And don't post it on this page... Hehe... I've heard SPOILER are rare enough for that... Hehehehehe... But yeah, I've already planned the end to this book... And that will set up the sequel rather well... Hehe... I luv that kinda ending... Forces people to read the sequel... :D

Anyway. Bet you all want me to just do this chapter, eh? Yeah yeah, I'll get going...



As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw four anxious people staring down a me.


"Celia!" he exclaimed happily, with a partly nervous look on his face, alike with the three others.

"What happened, guys?" I asked.

"Well, you see, we should probably get to that later. Let's get out of here."


-Minutes Later-

"Ahhhh..." I stretched, and looked at Dante.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I questioned my old friends.

"Well... We met up with Dante after defeating the gym leader in DragonVille," explained Anne.

"And... We decided to look for you," said Clark.

"We rescued you from that Team Rocket base," said Jane.

"Uh... Yeah," agreed Dante.

"And I hoped you wouldn't mind, but we were wondering if we could travel with you," asked Jane.

"Sure... But... Why?"

"Well... Dante said he wanted to be part of the Elite Four, and we all do, too... So we could somehow form a new Elite Four... But..." Anne shuffled uncomfortably.

"Yeah," I understood. "Well... I'm actually aiming for Champion..."

"Really?" said Anne excitedly.


"Together, we could make the entire group of trainers at the Photon Plaza!"

And that is how it came about that the five trainers joined each other, and became a traveling group, with one single destination, one single dream. A whole.


--> That was such a good ending... But I made it a two-part chapter... Hope you enjoy this part as well!

After deciding we would split up and meet outside the Plaza in five day's time, Dante and I traveled to the gym.

I fumbled with the pokeballs in my hands, as Dante battled he leader inside.

Electric, Flying, Steel, Fighting, Ground. Which one...

I clipped them back onto my backpack, having made my decision. I did not know the outcome, but I did know I would try my hardest with my pokemon.

Dante walked out smugly. "I'll wait for you here. Don't want THAT to happen again..."

I walked in, and was greeted with a blast of hot air. The gym obviously did not have air conditioning, and being made totally out of some sort of stone... Should probably have been cooler... Whatever.

"Hello," said a man in a cape cooly.

"Would you like to engage me in a one-on-one gym battle?" he asked.

"Um... Yeah..."

"I won't hold back."



"Dragon Claw!"


IDK. Just kinda felt like ending this chapter there.

I'm starting to prepare for the eventual ending...

I'm so sorry... I kept forgetting... Here are the pokemon and levels- (Not Exact)


Bells/Metagross- Level 47

Pikks/Pikachu- Level 42

Throh Level 43

Vibes/Vibrava Level 44

Brave/Rufflet Level 46


Infernape- Level 42

Kabutops- Level 42

Chinchou- Level 41

-----          - Level 40

So yeah. Hope you liked this chapter. PLEASE comment. Anyway. Thanks for reading!

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