Chapter Two: Death of Life, From a Flygon's POV (ironic chapter name on purpose)

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Well, it's chapter two. This is the death of Life, From a Flygon's POV. This story has some possibility of being revived, but looking at it now I REALLY don't like its plot. So, time for a little message:

Dear Life, From a Flygon's POV:

Firstly, I'm a bad person. First, I'm evil enough to kill you, THEN I go and shorten your name from Point of View to POV IN YOUR MEMORANDUM! Yeah. Well, it's not my fault. I just don't feel like typing that out like ten times. POV is better. So. I've still got a slightly special/horrible place for you in my heart, though. You see, you were the second book I ever wrote, that was intended for wattpad, the first being A Pokemon Adventure. Sadly, though, you were not to get anywhere near the awesomeness of your uncle. First, you stayed in my iPod notes system for months. Then I uploaded you, with a 1.23% chance of you surviving due to a comment. You didn't.

By now, I'm semi-savvy (in my opinion) about plot, and how something is a weak or bad plot.

This has both.

So, without further ado, here is the first-and-only chapter of Life, From a Flygon's POV:

EDIT: I just published this chapter, and when I was looking the published form over I was like "WHA?" And I remembered I NEVER edited this, it's just horrible... So please ignore the mistakes, I did write this like 8 months ago, (yeah I guess  not that long) and I'll try to edit it more in-depth when I find time. :D

Life, from a flygon's point of view.

-Photon region-

"Ugh," he said.

While sleeping in sand is comforting, he wished he had something besides a rock to rest his head on. Rocks were so… hard. He got up, still adjusting to shaking the sand off his wings, brushing it out of his scales, and using three-clawed hands to do it.

He had been human up until quite recently, when something had happened. Maybe I should give you a little back story. His name is-was, Jack. No, he didn't make a living climbing up beanstalks and stealing precious items from giants. Rather, he was an ordinary kid, on his journey to capture pokemon, beat gyms, yada yada yada. Of course, it didn't take long before something bad happened. Something bad always interrupts those epic adventures. This time, it was an organization, called team scentic. While jack guessed they took a bunch of random letters and made a name, it was an odd coincidence. Team Scentic=Team SCiENTIfiC. (scientific without two i's, and an f.) Of course, their original idea could have been team scientific, they might have just misspelled it. As everyone knows, if you have someone who obeys your every command, (goons/grunts) you make them do all the work, even if they are bad spellers. Anyway, back to Jack's situation. He had, as epic heroes always do, decided to fight them. Here is where history does not repeat itself- Jack would have been fine if not for that one accident- he tripped, and got zapped by one of their machines. They had been waiting for a human to use that on, and they got lucky. Jack didn't. He, after writhing in pain for a good ten minutes, transformed into a flygon. He escaped epicly, and left for the desert, where the flygon part of his being was comfortable and happy, while the human part of him just wanted to… be human again. That brings us back to now. Sadly, he was too tired to do anything, and the flygon part of him was happy…

   A month later, he has finally gained power over the flygon part of him. Well, mostly. Jack gathered up the courage and resolve to save the world, stop scentic, and become famous. Then reality set in. He was a flygon. He couldn't speak the human language, he wasn't that powerful and definitely could NOT defeat the evil, powerful team. He decided just to let fate lead him around the desert, where he would spend the rest of his days in pitiful, miserably agony… okay, no more pessimist talk. Fate, however, did not want this to be his destiny. That may be why, two days later, a trainer came to the desert looking for a rare hoenn pokemon. "whew, sure is hot out here," said John, a trainer. "gotta find some rare pokemon and get out." Five days earlier, the blond haired trainer had been told by an old friend that a dragon like pokemon from hoenn might be found in this desert.

"How can anything stand this heat?"

---/Back to Jack/---

  "Hmm," Jack mumbles. He heard something in the not so far away distance. "probably nothing." he said. (remember that while he said 'probably nothing' all that anyone human would hear would be something like 'flygon fly')

  John approached the pokemon, which appeared to be asleep.

  "Wakey wakey," he murmered, sending out an imposing figure, his lucario, known as Luke. "use false swipe." The lucario, being at a high level, was able to bring down all of the pokemon's health in one hit. John threw a pokeball before flygon could fully wake up. He released his new pokemon.

'Uh… this is bad,' thought Jack. 'but something to do, I guess. Might as well play along.'

John released a lucario, henceforth to be called Luke, and his luxray, spark. "I have others, but these are my mains," said John. He then made his two old pokemon return. "how about I call you… Jack?" he asked the pokemon. 'talk about coincidences,' thought Jack. He let out a 'gon' of approval. John then made his new pokemon return. "I'm going to see Chris," he said to himself.

   A long time later-

'knock, knock." "who is it?" "open the door or I bust it open," came the reply. There was a short silence, then the owner of the small two-story building replied, "oh. Hey John, wait a sec I'll get the door." A teen, roughly the same age as the one at the door, opened the door. He was about fourteen or fifteen. "hey Chris," said John. "come in," said Chris. He walked in and sat down. "how's your knee?" asked John, looking at Chris's swollen leg.

This idea just popped into my head, I don't know if it's good please tell me.


Actually, it popped into my head quite a while ago. All the way up to the afterword you just read is something I wrote about half a year ago, and completely forgot about. You can tell by the fact John only has two pokemon compared to the three he actually has now. Waitaminute, if you didn't understand when I started talking about this 'John' dude, add this to your library (so you don't forget about it) and read one of my other stories, 'A Pokemon Adventure'. Then come back and read this.

Done? Read it? Good. Now that you're back, I can continue this. Okay. So, I thought, "Hey, why don't I upload this? Why not?"

So thats why this story isn't that great. Anyway, the only reason I'd bother to continue is if I received at least say two+ comments. But one might do. Anyways, if you're reading this right now, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tell me what you think. I can wait.

Commented already? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

>(     ;(      :(     :|       :)         :D

Smile cause it's worth it!!!


That was a direct copy. Next chapter: Tears of Vengeance because I lost my imagination for your story!

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