Pokemon Adventures: Arch 2.5 ~ Chapter 2

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Firstly, the cover was done by FanFictionsOnly! Thank you ^_^

I will soon change the name of this fanfic to Pokemon Adventures- Arch 2.5! But, I still long for an epicly awesome title like Shadows of Dusk... But anyway. A title still hasn't came to me so... Oh and thanks YellowFan98 for giving me the idea for the title :D. Soooo... ..... ..... ..... ..... What now???


Oh right! The chapter! Hope you enjoy ^_^


"No." The professors voice cut through the sudden silence.

"What!?" exclaimed Jade, eyes opening wide.

"What I just said. No." the professor repeated, not unkindly, but beginning to lose patience.


"The people I... -Ahem- 'Give' pokemon to, have surprising potential. What about you?"

"But I have potential," Jade protested.

"Prove it." the professor stated, and Jade thought back to his B- grades (at best).

"Um..." Jade scratched the back of his head.

"Exactly. Come back when you think you can handle responibility." and with that, the professor turned and retreated to a room in which his assistant had entered earlier. Jade eyed the pokeballs, but he saw the professor looking at him through a glass window and left.

'Click' the door resounded behind him.

"Ngh... What can I do?" Jade asked himself, standing outside the laboratory, contemplating his fate... And a few other things.

"Wait... If I show him my potential... But I..."

"I'll steal a pokemon, train with it and together we will make the professor regret his descision!" jade exclaimed.

He walked around to one side of the building where there were no windows, and glanced up at the roof; so far away. Not contemplating in any way his rather rash decision, he began to scale the old brick wall.


"Ugh..." the professor groaned.

"Crys, could you refill my tea?" he asked his young assistant.

"Sure," said Crys, who proceeded to bring over a kettle of boiling water and pour it into the professors' 'I <3 Pokemon' mug.

"Having troubles with your work, professor?" she asked the rather stressed researcher.

"Well, Crys, it's not so much as work as it is that boy."

"What about him?" questioned the girl.

"Well, I'd have loved to give him a pokemon, but..."

"Oh, you don't have any pokemon?"

"Well, I do have pokemon, but so few new finds, like your Chikorita. But, I guess, he'll just have to come some other time to receive a pokemon. I couldn't give someone a pokemon that is so ... un-rare..."

"I guess..." Crys said, hesitantly.


Jade struggled in an effort to make one red hand reach the top of the not-so-easy-to-scale labratory.

"Ugh..." he groaned as he pulled himself onto the top of the uneven roof. He staggered to his feet, and whacked his hands against each other.

He walked across the roof to a rather handy glass skylight, coincidentally quite near to the table with roughly ten pokeballs on it.

A man wearing a pair of jet black jeans and a black shirt, with a black ski-mask like hood over almost all of his head, save his face, and a red 'R' on the cuff of his right arm was standing a few feet away from the cracked-open skylight, talking into a small cellphone-like black device.

"Sorry," said Jade, half in a daze, as he brushed by the man.

"No problem..." replied the man, preoccupied with something else.

"Wait... WHAT!?" Jade yelled, and spun around, as the man dropped his black device in disbelief.

"Who... Wha..." then the mans' specialized training came into play.

"Golbat, attack!"


Nothin much really happened this chapter... Only really important things... xD... Sooooo... Yeah...

Did you like completely PokeSpe/Pokemon Adventures based Fanfictions? Well... Try YellowFan98's... They are tons... So yeah... Anyway...



Vote if you liked it!

Reviews are much appreciated!

If you have ideas for pokemon, feel free to comment. I don't care.

Spelling and grammar mistakes. I know I never edit, so don't feel uncomfortable to point anything like that out.

Annnnnddd... That's all I can think of sooooo...

.... Oh right! The ending theme music!

Duuuuuu... Du du do dO duuuuu... DUUUUUU!!!!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day or night!!!



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