9- A Figment of the Imagination

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9- A Figment of the Imagination

You know, I just realized something. I'm starting to write long, annoying, and boring afterwords again.

Maybe it's a habit.

Or a disease.

Or maybe they're not real; just figments of my imagination.

Though I doubt it.


Well, this is just great.

Dante and I are surrounded by those Team... Rocket mercenaries, (Ooh, big word there. Please don't stop reading because of it) and they all seem to have their pokeballs in their hands.

I said 'Seem to', because I was just hoping this was a hallucination.

The figments of my imagination threw the pokeballs, and a wide variety of Pokemon appeared.

I didn't make a move myself.

Obviously, this does NOT happen in the real life, being confronted by a bunch of 'Wanted' goons in the middle of a village with a few villagers around, who obviously should notice FIVE EVIL TOTALLY WANTED MERCENARIES STORMING THE GYM, and somehow the goons seem to have found you by some form of telekinesis, thus this is all a rather vivid figment of my rather odd imagination.

In other words, they didn't exist.


One of the many figments of my imagination, a pokemon, shot a beam of multi-coloured light at me. Of course, it was obvious that-

'Oof!' I was propelled into the side of the gym/wooden hut, and actually started to bleed a bit.

Hmmmm... I was pretty sure you can't feel pain because of a figment of your imagination? Then again, I think I felt pain that one time that gigantic cookie tried to eat me, but I'm still debating whether or not that was real. (Luckily, the Cookie Monster saved me just in time)

Dante leapt into action, and good'ol me, crumpled and leaning against the side of the gym, had the vague notion that if they were figments of my imagination, how could he see them? Maybe he's a figment of my imagination, as well. Hmmm... You know, maybe the world is a figment of my imagination? What if I'm a figment of someone's imagination? What if I'm not real, like a character in a book?

Yeah, right.

As if that would ever happen.

Me, a figment of some author's imagination? Hahahahaha. That is one funny thought. As if!

Anyways, back to reality. Or what seems to be, currently, reality. Or a figment of someone's imagination.

Dante (possibly not real) had sent out all of his (possibly figments of my imagination) pokemon, which were battling the Team Rocket people. (Who could possibly be figments of my imagination)

But, even though the figment-of-my-imagination Team Rocket pokemon were about the same level as Dante's, the sheer numbers were beginning to have an effect. (Even though I could do anything as this was a figment of my imagination)

Of course, I could just go back to sleep and wake up at a large mansion in some country, being tended to by maids, and a bunch of 'Get Well' and 'Hope you don't die until you put me in your will' cards beside my bed, and of course everyone talking about how I had miraculously survived an encounter with a man-eating potato, but had received numerous injuries, including a concussion strong enough to put me in a coma for weeks, possibly months.

Or I could have some fun and help out.

But so what? I mean, if this is all a figment of my imagination, what's the point?

It was then that I remembered something someone had once told me, that we shouldn't live in our 'Own Little world'. Hmmmm.


Nooo.... I might be a figment of... (waitforit) Dante's imagination!

Nah, that would just be plain old unrealistic.

Way more unrealistic than him being a figment of mine.

Anyway, I decided to send out my pokemon as well, (possibly figments of someone's imagination) so I threw my three pokeballs and Pikks, Metang, (henceforth called Metts) and Throh appeared. They, too, could see the Team Rocket people, and therefore they, too, were figments of the imagination.

Or maybe, just maybe, everything was real and I had just sat in the dust for five minutes contemplating some totally random theories, involving 'Figments of the Imagination'.

I am weird.

I stood up, brushing the dirt and dust off me, and stood beside Dante.

(Previously 'Figment of My Imagination #6' or 5)

"Pikks! Use Thundershock! Throh! Use seismic toss! Metts! Use confusion!"

The three Pokemon joined Dante's resistance and helped in the eventual defeat of almost half.

So after we defeated the last three, barely, the rockets turned and ran.

I recalled my pokemon, and after a quick visit to red cedar hut, AKA pokecenter, we walked off in the direction we hoped was the next city.

But in the end, we'd probably be going in the wrong way and end up at some gigantic company of evil.

But then again, that's highly unlikely.

           —-—End Chapter 9—-—

—-—A Figment of the Imagination—-—

Okay, I'll admit it.

I did go a little far with the 'Figment of the Imagination' part. Though I do like to inject randomness here and there, this will probably be one of the most random chapters I have ever made in any of my books, possibly even topping that one I did in 'A Pokemon Adventure', where SPOILER defeated SPOILER, SPOILER, and SPOILER with a tiny bit of snow. That was just random. But, I guess I was getting a little bored with the battle with SPOILER, SPOILER, and SPOILER. (that chapter is out, so it's not technically a spoiler, but for all of you who haven't read it yet I don't want to spoil it)

Of course, this chapter still was okay, right? Sure, nothing really important happened, but still....

Comments, votes, and as always... FANNING! Are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

Who wants to guess what happens next chapter?

(looking up the gym leader)

YES! Next chapter Celia meets spoiler & spoiler! I was just waiting for this!

But I was hoping she'd have a metagross by then... :(

But it's fine! :D I really can't wait!

And why am I still writing this afterword when I should be writing the next chapter...?

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