14 - Daddy Problems

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14- Daddy Problems.

—-How'd you like the super awesome chapter that I did last time!? It was kind of sad... :( But anyway, at least... Wait! You're telling me that I've messed up chapters? That this chapter is really chapter thirteen? And you never got to read the part when /SPOILER/? Oh. Well, I guess. I'll just edit this chapter's title and away we go! Also thanks to FireFang who commented on the last chapter! Round of applause, everyone! :D

All right. So, I can finally give you the part when /SPOILER/ happens. Yay!

—13- Whoops, too late.—

-Okay, I'll give you a recap.-

And yes, I'm dreaming all of this. Yeesh, I certainly hope that didn't kill me. Would kinda ruin my dreams of becoming a pokemon champion, wouldn't it? DONT WALK TOWARDS THE BRIGHT LIGHTTTT!!!!!!!! Whoops, to late.



-About a long time later-

Whoops. The light was the light over my hospital bed. Guess I'm not dead, then.*

*Author's note- my name isn't Bob. It's not Joe, either. In case you were wondering. And the reason this took so long to come out is because I wanted to give all the readers tons of suspense. MWAHahaha!!! Please don't stop reading.

So, because I'm not actually dead, I sat up and walked out of the hospital.

Because that's exactly what a patient does.

I pulled out my cellphone and texted Dante.

We decided to meet up at the gym.

Hopefully Stella isn't asleep; it was pretty early.

Luckily we entered and she battled us.

"How about both of you this time, two-on-two?"

"Kay." came our simultaneous responses.



The fire monkey pokemon appeared, as well as my... Vibrava?*

"-Censored-" I said.

—-*So obvious.-—

—-Before I do this, I would like everyone to know I absolutely 100% know this may be the most cliché things ever written by me. I know. I'm sorry. You can close your eyes if you want. And yes, if this doesn't seem like celia's nature... Well, I can reassure you it probably won't happen again... I hope.-—

The Vibrava glared at me. I smiled at it.

"Vibrava, can't we just be friends?" I pleaded kindly, my smile shining brightly.

It seemed to sense my inner character and caring, and smiled back happily.

And together we easily beat the gym leader. Oh right, Dante helped too.

—-And that is the end of the cliché part. It wasn't that bad, was it?-—

"Well," I said, returning my Vibrava to it's pokeball, "that sure was cliché."

"Yup." Dante agreed.

We revived our badges and rushed out of the gym... to fall ten feet straight down.

We were so surprised we didn't even scream.

In seconds, the fake ground above us had closed and we were left in complete and total darkness.

—-And that is the PERFECT place to end a chapter. "Good job, self, I commend you for that wonderful cliffhange-" What? You're telling me last chapter was super short, and this one has to be better? Hmm. Well, only for you, then.

But I'll put in a long commercial first so it's kinda a cliffhanger.


Buy Bob's branded baked beef!

Actually, don't.


Hello everyone! I'm your host today, Ilovetoread72. I hope you are enjoying this book! To end this commercial, I will have a spec-tacular guess the pokemon!

Okay. This pokemon is in the national dex. It has two very long scythe-like blades, and it's name starts with a 'K'. No, please don't open any of those pokedex websites or apps, just... If you can actually guess without the help of a gizmo, tell me your guess. If it's right, I will mention you next chapter. If no one guesses by next chapter, I'll mention you in the next next chapter, etc. Until someone gets it right. And now for our a-mazing future presentation!



I squinted my eyes, trying to make out where we were. Dante got up and brushed himself off, and I decided to do likewise.

But it wasn't long before our eyes adjusted. And we found we were both in a cage, like a prison.

"Were are we!?" Dante shouted into the nothingness beyond the bars.

A person, quickly identified as a Team Rocket member, came slightly into view.

"Oh, you're exactly where we want you." he chuckled maniacally then spun away out of view.

"I'd just like to note," he commented, coming back into view, "that you will both likely spend your life in Rocket Prison! Mwahaha!"

And the lights were flicked on.


Well, that's not the greatest cliffhanger, but at least I didn't end it at one of the five other epic cliffhangers I wanted to do. Anyways. Who can guess what Team Rocket's ultimate plan is? If you think you know, private message me if you want too. Just don't comment. It's like the biggest spoiler of all my books. Sure, in some books they try to capture /SPOILER/ etc. But their ultimate goal is actually really smart. I'm not kidding. And how they're planning to do it.... Wow. Their head of planning must be a super-genius to think this up... AKA me. Still. Anyways. As always, I would like to personally ask every single person tha reads this, unless they're way too busy, to quickly post a short or long or medium comment telling me if they liked it or not and what's good/bad etc. Thank you in advance! :D And, as well, of course I'll reply to your comment! If I can remember.... :D! Anyway. Should probably get working on the next chapter, which will not, in fact, be called 'Daddy Problems'. That'll be like 15 or 16, due to the cliffhanger. :D

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