An Adventure Into the Sky: Chapter 4- Blank

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  • Dedicated to Fathers everywhere

It's just coincidence that this chapter was posted on fathers day. And happy fathers day to you all.

Chapter four- Blank

I have just realized something. The reason I get so many reads but so few people comment is because... THEY DON'T HAVE WATTPAD!!! That's right, I'm talkin' ta you, yes, the one in the white shirt. Actually, if you're reading this right now, and you DON'T HAVE WATTPAD, one of the worst possible things ever, get it. Not that I'm pressuring you or anything, but there are SO MANY ADVANTAGES!!! You can save and access your library anywhere, you can fan, vote, comment, and just plain old be a part of the community. :D

The pink one spoke. "Greetings, fair guild associates. I have just returned from a visit to a certain dungeon, to investigate some rumors."  

He spotted Pikachu, (Soon to be named) and gestured for him to stand up.  

"I see we have a new guild member. I am clefairy, the current guildmaster. Welcome to MY guild. What is your name?"

"Uhhhh... Mike, sir"

I know, Mike? What kind of epic name is that? The only one I could think of at the moment, unfortunately.

"Haha, there is no need for the 'sir'," said Clefairy, but Mike could have swore he made a rather sour face. "Well, I shall show you and your partner,...?"

Gaz practically leapt 20 feet in the air, and smashed into the ceiling. He then proceeded to fall the whole twenty feet back to the floor. Dizzily, he sat up, and turned toward the Guildmaster. "M-Me sir!!!!!!"

This time, the guildmaster, clefairy, seemed to suddenly be very happy. "W-Well, gaz, this is very go- great news! Well, you have an extra pile of straw in your... Dorm... So why doesn't mike sleep wit- I mean liv- Uhhh... Dwell..? With you?"

"Yes, Master Clefairy, YES!!!" As usual, Gaz was jumping with joy.

Mike, however, pretty much shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, then, I'm sure it has been a very long day, so you should probably get your beauty sleep. See you in the morning!"

So mike and gaz, with the rest of the guild, left the dining room. Gaz showed mike into a rather small cove, and gave him a straw mat.

They promptly fell asleep.

Part || of chapter |V

Gaz, shaking Mike awake, was as usual, hyperventilating. "Blank blank can go on blank blank mission! ? Blank am blank saying blank???"

"Bbbllank?" asked mike, "Blank blank blank???????"

Instead of saying blank all the time I will just put _____.

Making odd expressions, mike and Gaz rushed down to the meeting place. "Blank keep on blanking blank!" Gaz exclaimed.

One of the other guild members responded with a 'Nice joke' tone of voice. "Blank blanking blank... ????"

The guildmaster, looking partially worried, said, "You must have caught the 'Blank' virus, which means you randomly say blank! I don't have it, since I'm immune, but the the disease must be going around! Don't worry, there is a cure, go to a place called 'Filler Mountain' and at the top there is an edible substance called filler drink. It will cure you. But it must be drunk on-site for it to work, so this will mean that all of you will leave. Legs," he pointed to the spidery yellow Pokemon, "and muscle," pointing to the muscular red-skinned Pokemon, "will be staying behind with me, as I have some very urgent matters to work on. Off you go then."

So basically everyone just left. Gaz, however, and mike, stayed behind.

"Sir," asked gaz, "blank you blank us with a blank and blank and a blank?"

"sure." Replied Clefairy grumpily, handing them a side bag, two badges and a map.

"go to it, then."

Without explaining anything, gaz dragged mike off on his first adventure, to filler moutain in hopes of finding the cure for Blank Desease.

WILL the search be completed next chapter? WHO is behind the conspiracy brewing in the background? And WHAT secrets will they unravel next chapter? Simply add this story to your library and fan me, Ilovetoread72, for instant updates.

Do YOU have the blank desease?

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