A Pokemon Adventure [THE SEQUEL]

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Exactly one year before this chapter was published, Ilovetoread72 joined wattpad, and that day uploaded the first chapter to the book which would come to be known as A Pokemon Adventure. He uploaded often, for those first five or six chapters, but was barely known. About a month or two, or maybe even three, later, he got his first fan.

More were to come.

That book, undiscovered for a while, would be uncovered by other wattpadders. Now, a year later, it is over. And exactly a year later, its sequel has began.

This is A Pokemon Adventure book two.

This is that sequel.

This is that continuation.

The Shiton Region is a desert-like region. For many years, it has been completely free of any crime.

All that is about to change.

It was considered a wonderful place, and if it weren't for all the sand and 30-40C weather, it would be crowded with people.

But the sand hides secrets.

Jason is a young teenager in the desert-like Shiton Region with a thirst for adventure. He longs to leave home, and begin his pokemon journey. He longs to begin his pokemon journey, to travel around the Shiton Region, but his parents will not allow it. When he does leave, though, he will find out that there is more to his region than he thought.

Oh yes, there is more to his region than he thought.

---/A Pokemon Adventure, Book 2/---

I can't believe how long I've been waiting to begin this book. Far too long. FAR too long. I think I actually wrote part of this chapter in March. Of course, my writing skills have improved since then, and I will be improving upon it. In fact, I'm going to erase the old forward right now... Done.

Before I actually start this forward, a little message:

Pokemon, the Pokemon concept, pokemon centers, pokedex's, and other poke-things are property of Creatures inc., Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Freak, and possibly one or two other companies I don't feel like mentioning. Because I don't know what they are. This is a non-profit fan-based parody. Ilovetoread72 does not claim rights to Pokemon. He does claim rights to the concept of this story, its plot basis, and characters created by him. Please do not sue him. It was the dogs idea. Really.

And now, to the forward and beyond!

It may be late - but at least it's still today!

I'm Ilovetoread72. Not in the real world, but on the internet. This is the sequel to the first book I ever wrote on wattpad.

Tip: Read the first book first. (A Pokemon Adventure)

Um... Right.

So, without further ado, here's chapter one of the amazing sequel!!! :D


Ugh. Man, is it hot. Even at 2 am, which it is, the sun is up. My parents say the last time the sun went down in Shiton, they were only about 30. ...That was like centuries ago...

I don't bother re-opening my red-tinted eyes to check my digital alarm clock again, in hopes that the time mysteriously changed from two to seven. Unless there's a Dialga in the area, it's highly unlikely. Even so, I know I won't fall back asleep. It's just too hot for that. I do better in thick blankets when it's cold than light blankets when it's like 100 degreesC. And even that isn't beyond our region's possibilities.

Ok, maybe it is, but I've heard that about six years back our region reached it's ultimate high- around 59.2 degrees celsius. Crazy, though it feels like more now. It always feels like more.

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