6- Shocking, Isn't It?

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6- Shocking, isn't it?

'Yawn' I opened my mouth wide. I got up, and walked over to the sleeping bag on the floor.



A note on the floor where the sleeping bag should have been read, 'Meet you at the gym 12:00.'

I glanced at my watch. I must have been pretty tired- 11:34.

I grabbed my bag, put on a yellow Gungo's Clothing Shop shirt and a pair of vibrant yellow cometclothing (ugh) jeans. Glancing at a mirror, I realized I was completely dressed in yellow. I shuddered. WAY to bright. Like, WAAAAY to bright. But, I didn't have time to get on anything else.

I grabbed everything else I needed, and sprinted out the door, racing out the Poketel.

I made my way through the crowded town, weaving around the super-tall buildings. I found the gym after five minutes of searching.

A sign out front read, 'Aerial Town gym, leader Jaylee.'

I shrugged and leaned against one wall of the building, glancing at my watch. I still had half an hour... Waitaminute...

I beckoned over a man, walking by me.

"Do you know what time it is," I asked politely.

He glanced at his watch. "10:45."

I opened my eyes wide. My watch had stopped.

"Hey," he asked, suddenly noticing my pokeball strapped to my backpack, "are you a pokemon trainer? Can I battle you? Ya see, I'm training for this gym."

"Uh... Sure," I replied.

"Great," he said, throwing a pokeball. A little pokemon that looked like an orange pig appeared. 'Tep!' it sqeaked joyfully.

I didn't even bother with my pokedex, I had an old friend who picked a Tepig for her started pokemon. She was a year older than me. I still wonder...

"Throh!" I said, throwing a pokeball into the air. The large muscular red-skinned pokemon appeared. It felt the air with it's three-fingered fists.

"Use seismic toss!" I said, glancing quickly at the pokedex.

Throh reached out and picked up the much smaller pokemon. He proceeded to throh (not a spelling mistake) the pokemon high up, sending it smashing into the ground.

It was, as I'm sure you could imagine, a one-hit-KO.

He recalled his pokemon to it's pokeball, and walked away, waving goodbye.

I smiled, turning to walk away from the gym. I decided to train against wild pokemon in the forest for an hour.

—-—Commercial Break—-—

I'm going to sing a song. "There once were two commercials here! But I came back later and said, "WHAAAAAT???" So I edited them out and replaced them with this- a song about explain-ing!"

So basically, whenever something is in bold in chapters 1-20, it means that I'm... gasp...

EDITING!!!! Now I've gotta go find where in this chapter I placed a possible question that would provoke someone to type a one-word comment of 'Absol'. Hopefully you enjoyed this short interlude and on with the story!


(While we had a commercial break, an hour passed in the story)

I walked back into town. I noticed a stand reading, "Egg Warmer". A man holding a Pokèmagnifier was standing behind the stand. He smiled at me when I brought the egg out of my backpack.

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