Pokemon Adventures: Arch 2.5 ~ Chapter 1

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The book based on pokemon with no name! Chapter one-

Um... Before I start this chapter, two things-

1. Even this chapter will contain a reference to a MAJOR spoiler from the second arch of Pokemon Adventures. Please read up to the end of the second arch before reading this series.

So... Pretend that was last chapter. And I hope you enjoy!



The old man stumbled through the downpour, his weathered hands supporting himself as he leaned against the walls every few seconds, his weakened legs not always providing enough support to keep his wrinkled body up. He stopped and glanced back at the dark forest he had came from, a song stuck in his head reminding him of a somber past. His clothing was tattered, and his short white hair was impossibly messy for its length. A small tear formed and rolled down his chalky cheek, and he glanced towards the sky sadly. Once more, a tear rolled down his cheek, this time a tear of pain, as his legs gave out and he stinker to the ground, falling on his side.


The young boy snorted, and turned over in his bed as his mother gently poked him, a motherly grin on her face.

"I really don't know how he keeps this up," she said humorously, and turned to prepare breakfast, in hopes her son would wake up in the process.

As she walked out none to softly, a small poster alike the many others on the wall floated down and landed beside her. She picked it up and looked at the heading: 'The Pokemon Championships!'. She smiled and pinned it up once more, and exited the room.


"Yawn," the boy groaned, as he groggily opened his eyes and reached out to his right, feeling around on his bedstand for something.

Unable to find it, he bolted upright and looked franticly, pushing aside leaflets in hopes of finding his possession.

"Mom! I can't-" he stopped suddenly, and groaned.

"Can't what, honey?" called his mother sweetly.

"If you're looking for your TV remote, I took it, remember?" she called.

The boy opened his eyes wide as he remembered something, and bolted out of bed, pulling a navy blue hoodie over his wrinkled white 'Pokemon Championship' shirt which he had worn to bed in hopes he would refrain from sleeping in too late.

He stretched tiredly as he grabbed a pair of jeans off his single bed and stumbled around as he put them on.

"Jade! Are you up yet!?" called his mother from downstairs, as the kettle began to boil, and she unplugged it from the wall.

"Yeah, I'm coming mom!" Jade called back.

Jade rushed down the stairs after grabbing his backpack and his early twelfth birthday present- a pokegear. He strapped the device onto his arm as he walked into the kitchen and pulled a packet of quick cereal out of a cupboard and a bowl. Jade smiled as his mother brought over the steaming kettle and, after dumping the contents of the packet into the bowl, he poured some boiling hot water in and stirred with a spoon which was sitting on a counter.

Jade smiled as he began to eat, and looked at his pokegear as he slurped down the warm breakfast food.


"See ya!" shouted Jade to his mother, as he raced out of the house, the door slamming shut unceremoniously after him.

A pidgey tweeted merrily, high up in a oak tree.

Jade looked around the small town of Pallet, once more glad his mother and him had decided to move from bustling Celadon to the peaceful Pallet Town after his father had died.

He wiped a stray tear off his face, and walked towards Professor Oak's laboratory, where he would hopefully be able to receive his first pokemon. His dad was going to catch him one but... He sniffed.

He knocked politely on the Professors' door, and heard someone inside say, "Don't you bother getting up, sir, I can get the door!"

Seconds later, the fancy new lock clicked, and the door opened. A girl poked her head out, and Jade smiled nervously.

"Hello," he said nervously.

"Oh, you must be here for the professor," she guessed."Then come right on in!" she said happily, and Jade shuffled in.

"Hello," said the professor kindly. "What can I do for you?"

"Um... I was wondering... CouldIpleasepleasepleasehaveapokemonandmaybeapokedexpleasesir?" he said nervously, looking up at the man.

Professor Oak looked at the twelve year old boy, and sighed heavily.



Hehe... I like it already. COMMENT, PPLZ!!! xD. So. Some reminders-

2. Comments are much appreciated, it would be nice to get one comment for every read but I know that's a little unrealistic... :'(

3. I'd like votes from anyone who likes this. Basically, votes are a way of showing your appreciation without commenting.

4. If you have ideas for pokemon, feel free to comment. I don't care.

5. Spelling and grammar mistakes. I know I never edit, so don't feel uncomfortable to point anything like that out.


Read on for a little advertisement!

Twelve years old, and, well, he's living a fine life. He's got good parents, and one or two friends, who have, though, already left on their pokemon journeys. He, too, would leave soon for his own adventure.

But one day, things take a turn for the worse.

But he adjusts. He overcomes.

Once more, though, years later, things take a turn for the worse in more than one way.

And then, not long after, things REALLY take a turn for the worse.

He's a fugitive from evil.

And a fugitive from justice.

Where can he turn?

Ilovetoread72's Shadows of Dusk has all this... And more! In an amazing pokemon fanfiction.

Find out more by reading the book!

I know, that sounded a little conceited... But hey! Anyway. Cyall!

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