11- Celtin and Delia

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11- Celtin and Delia

Finally, chapter eleven. This is going to be a good chapter. I hope.


I look up into the darkening sky. Clouds are forming, and droplets of rain are already making their way down to sky. I glance ahead, the trail I am on curving sharply. Looking at my map, that should mean I'm nearing Steel City, but I don't know, the curve seems to curve into darkness. Whatever. I'll go that way anyway. I just hope I can find a pokemon.

Rounding the bend, I hear a slight buzzing sound. Mosquitos*? Probably not. Bugs? Nah. Maybe a dragonfly* swarm? Never heard of that. I think that the best idea would be to turn around, so...

*May or may not exist

...I don't see anything. For a second. But I look up, and see a mass of vibrating pokemon. I pull out my pokedex immediately.

'As my data stream is corrupted, I can only give you the decoded quantum information on my hard drive database. These pokemon are called Vibravas. I do not have any more non-corrupted decoded quantum information on them whatsoever.'

"Great," I said, "what a time... Whatever, my motto is catch first, ask quantum-related questions never."

'I thought it was, "do anything to become pokemon champion?", no?' blurted my pokedex.

"Well, that's my other one," I said while stuffing the device in my tiny-but-huge backpack.

"Here I go! Pikks! Use Thundershock!"

My cute little pikachu zapped one with a shock of lightning. It didn't even faze it. I heard a voice from my backpack, (I know, weird, right?)

'Oh and FYI, it's part ground, which means every single futile attempt at damaging one with an electric type attack with utterly fail, leaving you totally hopeless and weak. Did I mention electric attacks are futile?'

"Pikks! Come back! Now bells!"

"Use confusion!"

The powerful pyschic attack got one's attention. It zoomed down to face bells, its face taking on an angry expression. (As good as the pokemon could do, anyway)

"Now use-"

—-What? Oh no I can't remember his moves... Let's just say confusion again-—


The /amazing/ move somehow managed to get quite a bit of damage on the Vibrava.

"Great ball* go!"

*Do you like how I kind of transitioned into great balls?

'DING.... DING.... DING........ CLICK!'

"All right!!!!!!!!"

I picked up the pokeball, and glancing up at the swarm, I ran off, recalling bells to his pokeball.

Looking over my shoulder, I hoped that the swarm wasn't really following me, as it seemed.

I walked into the city.

"Hey! Celia!”

I look over my shoulder and see Dante running up to me. "Hey, how was it?"

"Fine, no thanks to you."

"Sorry, I just felt some plot-problem convincing me to leave."


"Kay so wanna challenge the gym leader unwisely before stocking up on necessities like potions?"

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