A Pokemon Adventure: ReWritten! (Watty Awards 2012) ~ Chapter 3

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Okay. Because I'm kinda happy, and because I know you all REALLY want to find out what happens, I am going to update. NOT because I'm nice. Got that? Huh? Yeah. Now, on with the chapter!

Oh. And I just re-read this chapter. If you have a heart condition, don't read it. I think I was eating too much chocolate when I wrote it.

Hello, and welcome back to A Pokemon Adventure: ReWritten! chapter 3!

This chapter, some real plot changes come into play. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't honestly know until I write the chapter.



Chris and John burst through the bushes to find an injured bird-like pokemon on the ground. It was yellow, blue and red.

"What is it?" asked Chris.

"All you have to do is turn the pokedex on," John said happily, flipping open his poke-encyclopedia.

'Archen. The rock-flying type was revived from many fossils found in the Unova region. It is thought to be the ancestor of all bird pokemon, though it was unable to fly and moved about by hopping from branch to branch. Few years after a group was revived, they adapted to the modern world and became able to fly.'

"Wow. It looks like its in quite a bit of pain," commented John.

"Yeah." To the injured pokemon, he said, "Don't worry, we'll get you to a pokemon center, soon."

"What? Chris - There isn't a pokemon center for miles!" John exclaimed, remembering that the pokemon center in their town had been nearly destroyed by mysterious vandals.

"I know, John, we'll get it to the Professor's! He just lives a few minutes away, remember?"

"Right!" The Professor's laboratory was located near the outskirts of the forest, not that far away.

"Here!" Chris held out a pokeball, and the bird-like pokemon was absorbed into it.

"Lets get going!"

The two boys ran off towards Professor Jacob's lab, making their way through the forest not without hardships, as there were many obstacles. But, they survived.

"Whew..." The two boys didn't stop for a break, unlike usual, when they entered the clearing, they simply kept going right up to the laboratory's door and entering. (Without knocking, of course. What a bother that would be)

"Huh?" The professor turned from some sort of work, a tablet-like device sitting in front of him hurriedly shoved non-descriptly to the side.

"Oh. Uh... Chris! John! Uh... Hello... Uh..." He looked rather uncomfortable, then noticed the pokeball that Chris had handed him.

"Professor! The pokemon inside- its hurt!"

"Okay," replied the professor. For some reason, he didn't seem surprised at all.

"Can you heal it?"

"Yeah, sure. The machine is all warmed up and ready to go."

The professor inserted the pokeball into a small desktop machine, then pressed a button.

"It's healed," he said only seconds later.

"Wow... thank you!" Chris smiled.

"Hey John, do you want it as your pokemon?"

---/Short Interlude/---

To build up suspense, I will talk randomly about how the plot is evolving.

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