A Pokemon Adventure: ReWritten! (Watty Awards 2012) ~ Chapter 2

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I'm sad... Nobody voted on last chapter... XD

Well, hopefully this chapter will be better as to gain some votes! :D

Welcome back to A Pokemon Adventure: Re-Written!

This chapter will be the re-written chapter two of A Pokemon Adventure... Unless I put in SO MUCH BETTER plot inserts that I decide to have this one end earlier than the last one... yet still be technically longer...

Anyway. Cue start!



He gulped, then sighed sadly.

"As you boys might be able to tell, the five pokemon I had reserved for new trainers like you two have been already taken by a few rather... early people. But-"

He was cut off by John.

"H-what!? No..."

"But, as I was-"

This time, he was cut off by Chris.


"BUT, as I was saying, I happen to have one left. I hate to propose this to two friends such as you, but... Only one of you can leave with a pokemon, today."

John gulped. If I don't take it, I won't have a pokemon... But if I do, I'll have let my friend down...

Likewise thoughts were going through Chris's mind, each boy coming to the conclusion of letting the other have this final pokemon. John, though, always a little bit of a quick thinker, beat Chris to this statement.

"Professor... Chris can have it..."

Before Chris could object, the professor wiped his brow, and spoke quickly. "Okay then Chris I guess you can have it so take it right now!"

He forcefully 'handed' the pokeball to Chris, bewildering the boy.

"Erm... Okay then..."

The professor gulped.

"Go ahead, then, open it... I'm sure we are all anxious to know what it is..." To himself, he whispered, "And I'm anxious to know what happens..."

"Pokeball go!" Chris exclaimed, suddenly overtaken by excitement.

'Star!' a small gray bird-like pokemon tweeted happily, landing serenely on its new trainer's shoulder.

"That, Chris, is a starly."

"Wow! I'm sure we'll be the best of friends!" Chris exclaimed, worries forgotten.

"Now, Chris, I'm sure you won't always have me around to tell you the pokemon you've found or are facing. That's why I'm going to give you this - a pokedex!"

"A poke-what?" asked Chris, confused.

"A pokedex. It's a machine that has information on most, if not all, pokemon. I'm sure it'll help you greatly," the Professor explained.

He handed Chris a red device, and Chris put it carefully into his pocket.

"Now, John," said the Professor, turning to John. "I'm sure you'd like a pokedex as well, so you can have the extra one. I was working on it, though, so hopefully it'll still work well..."

"Thanks!" exclaimed John, receiving for himself a red device.

"Have fun, boys!" said the Professor, but Chris and John were already gone.


John jogged lightly up the hill, Chris following close behind.


"Why... are we taking... the hard way...?" panted Chris.

"I... need to get home. For breakfast..." John replied.

"Whaaaat???" exclaimed Chris, glancing at his watch. "Oh... Right... Mind if I... Join you then? The McVanderbuffs are going to be at my house by now... My mom wouldn't care if I didn't call or show up, really..."

"Yeah... Sure..." John panted, finally ascending the slope.

"Thank... Man..." Chris caught up, gasping.

"Let's head there now! C'mon!"

"Hey, wait up!"

---/Next Morning/---

Chris woke with a start. "Hff... Hfff... Thank goodness, it was just a dream..." He fell back onto his pillow.

"If that was real..."


Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Un... Huh?" John slowly opens his eyes. He reaches for his cellphone, which he appears to have left on overnight, which is resting on his bedstand.

"Hey..." he says weakly.

"Hey, John! It's Chris. I was wondering if... You wanted to come with me? Go to that forest that we were never allowed to go in?"

"Eh... But I don't have a pokemon..."

"I can catch you one! My mom's out, but she left me five pokeballs! I think she wants me out of the house..."

"Wait... Do you mean... I'd leave today, too?"


"Sure!" John exclaims, jumping out of bed. "I'll meet you-"

He is interrupted by his excited friend. "No, I'll meet you! I'm outside your house!"



John ran downstairs, to find his parents already awake. His sister, though, was probably still in her room.

"Love you, mom, dad! I'll be back sometime!"

His parents blinked. But their son was already out the door.


"C'mon, Chris, let's go!"

The two friends dashed towards the forest on the edge of their small town. Always being forbidden to enter, they had (naturally) always longed to see what it was like inside.

They walked through a nice path, bordered by bushes and tall grass.

"Maybe pokemon only come out if you enter their territory, or something," commented Chris.


But before they entered the tall grass, they heard a strange cry from behind them.

"What... What was that?"asked Chris, looking around.

"I think it came from behind those bushes," said John.

"Let's check it out!"

They burst head-first through the bushes.


Again. Does this seem way to much like the original version? Well, trust me, it'll be WAY different. I just can't stray way too far from the original, or this would become a different book entirely. So, I have to get through a few things first, before I start the real changes. I mean, I can't really change Chris or John's starters, so that will be the same... Kind of... (Hint: That was a spoiler)

But yeah, I'll be adding in much more...

But the battles will be pretty much the same. Cause I hate writing battles. Somewhat.

As well, you have to tune in next time to find out what the pokemon is...



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