RIP, Failed PKMN FanFictions

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RIPFPFF - Forward:

Hello everyone, I'm Ilovetoread72! First, a quick note to a possible few of you:

If you stumbled upon this book during a random wattpad search or google/yahoo/etc. search, and have never heard of me, Ilovetoread72, before, check out my other books before this one. At least one book. Kay? :D

Now, back to the forward. As I was about to say, I've written quite a few pokemon fanfictions. Or, as I probably should say, started. The point here is that not all of them quite make it. I mean, Tears of Vengeance; Life, From a Flygon's POV; P.K.M.N. (never released); and a few others. Now, they kind of clog up my profile page. I'd like to delete them, but who knows, someone might comment on one and say how amazing it is, possibly giving me enough motivation to continue.

Well, this book is a series of chapters, each containing a memorandum, as well as the chapter that was or was not released. If you really like the chapter, so far, your comment might just bring that book back to life! Or bring it to life in the first place, in a few cases such as P.K.M.N., a never-released PKMN fanfic that actually inspired me to do this very book you are reading right now!

I'm going to start with a pokemon fanfiction, never released, a VERY short first chapter, likely never to be continued. It was titled in its little document on my desktop "Other Pokemon Thingy", to end off this chapter.

To "Other Pokemon Thingy",

I'm sorry. About 54.2 seconds ago, I wrote in the forward that, for all the chapters of various books in this series, there was always a chance that a comment could revive them. You are pretty much the sole exception. I came up with an idea that I'd NEVER seen or thought of before, one where the main character, with his pokemon, comes into our, the real, world, appearing in Canada.

You see, your plot, in the first place, seemed pretty amazing.

Then I realized I had absolutely no clue where the plot was going.

So, I stopped writing you. I'm sorry. You'll very likely never come back, never become anything. I just want you off my mind. LOL.

And, without further ado, here is the chapter, copied directly out of its file in all its naive-ness. lol.(Drowing person)

New story, new awesomeness, MORE pokemon, and some good ol' fun!


The wind rustles my hair. It probably looks horrible by now, but there's no reason for me to really care about that, in my current situation. I mean, call me a pessimist, but when you're hanging by a few threads practically stapled to the side of the building, 80 feet in the air, you don't really care about anything. And why am I here in the first place? Cause I'm gligar-man. No, not really. Because it just so happens I'm a pokemon trainer. I really, really shouldn't have left all my flying pokemon in the PC.

Maybe I should give a bit of an explanation. I get my pokemon from the local professor, and head out to beat the pokemon gyms, same old same old.

Then you get the twist. I mean, of course there's a twist! If there hadn't been, I would be fighting some guy in the middle of the road with monsters that I keep in balls, not clinging to a red-and-white flag stapled to the side of a building. A tall building. A tall building, made of steel and glass.

Also apparently not one from my home dimension.

Anyway. The twist. I've defeated the first five gyms, got my pokemon up to about level 39 each in preperation for #6. Then... Something happens. I'm really not sure what. All I know is that, I'm just walking up to the gym, I open the door and walk in.

And then I'm falling. Through blackness, a place full of darkness, pretty much nowhere. Literally.

And then I find myself on the top of this building. And everything, just everything, is wrong. Completely wrong. I look over the edge of the building, down far below, and I see things. Huge amounts of people. And then I see the flag. Notice underneath the red-and-white symbol, it reads "Canada". That's where I am.


And that's where the chapter ended, in all its failure shortness. Next chapter- Life, From a Flygon's POV.


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