Dark Pokemon In the Dark

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Hello! It's me, Ilovetoread72 again!

Now, I've recently been killing off books that have no votes. And preferably I don't want to continue them.

This story had no votes. Yet there was something... Different about it.

It was my first collaboration story.

So... I'm deleting it cause I don't have room for it. DavidBowiesBest: I'll email you what we have if you want to post it! :D

Without further ado, and also cause I don't have time to do a proper memorandum, here is the un-cut one and only chapter one! :D



The old man looked over his shoulder. No one was watching him. He had easily succeeded in 'Taking Out' the very incompetent guards, but he knew instinctively from years of breaking and entering that he did not have much time before someone noticed his handiwork. He entered the old building. He knew from research that this place was a valuable 'Historical Artifact', but he was not there for the sights. Then why, oh why, had he flown hundreds of miles to get here? The very simple anwer- To find the legendary pokemon residing in the deepest bowels of the mansion.


Welcome. I'm Ilovetoread72 and this is DavidBowiesBest. Together, we are creating this /epic-awesome/ story for the pure pleasure of you readers. Anyway, we both hope you enjoy Dark Pokemon


Lightning flashed in the distance. Beside the two trainers, water flowed fast through a widening stream. Jordan looked at Beverly. "Tell me again why we're climbing this mountain during a fierce thunderstorm?"

"Because there have been sightings of a very rare legendary pokemon on this mountain," Beverly replied, "and from the professor's notes, it sounds like a very rare water type."

"And who says water-types only come out during harsh rain?"

"I do," came the rather confident reply.

Jordan frowned. "You'd think they'd come out on other days as well. It's not like they need water to live."

"Well, humans do."

"To drink, not to bathe in during a thunderst- AUGH!" exclaimed Jordan, having slipped on a rather slippery patch of mud, his arms shooting out instinctively to support himself.

"You did that on purpose, to try and convince me to leave," the older of the two said angrily.

"No really, I promise! I really do want to-" realizing he had been tricked, Jordan wisely stopped talking.

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