18- The Ditto Theory, #2

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18- The Ditto Theory, #2

Okay. Hope you all like this chapter.


After doing rigorous training in the Tree Forest (Didn't know a name could get worse than FloraGreen Town) I finally made it to the next city... More like a village, a actually.

Called 'DragonVille', it was obviously home to the Dragon Gym leader. Um... Once more, that name is horrible. WHO MAKES UP THOSE NAMES, ANYWAY???

I think whoever makes up names like that is an idiot. Haha! I'm laughing in your-

Wha? This gigantic hand materialized in mid-air and punched me in the stomach???

Well... That was odd...

--->Do not make fun of the author. He has power... Mwahaha!<---

Anyway. I decided to go find Dante.

"Celia!" Dante rushed up to me.

"Hey Dante, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh... Nothing much.... Other than OUR TOTAL DOMINATION!!! Mwahahaha!!!"

And then... His face just kinda melted off.

Most... Freaky... Thing... Ever...

Along with his clothing...

And basically only a ditto and a Team Rocket Thug were left.

***Once more, this is a POKEMON ADVENTURES fanfic. Green does this trick... How many times? Not that I'll give you any spoilers, of course. But... I can't remember if anyone else does that trick. I think... I dunno... Dittos... Yeah... Anyway.

I staggered back, and the Thug released two Pokémon, a large scorpion-like thing, and... Another scorpion like thing...

'Gliscor and Drapion' said my pokedex from my epic-large backpack.

Even though I could fight him with five on two, I decided not to, and sent out Metts (New nickname for Metagross, AKA one of the best Pokemon EVER, ranking with Absol in awesomeness.) and Brave.

"Metts! Use hammer arm! And Brave! Use air slash!"

Together, the two moves took down the Drapion. The other pokemon, a gliscor, didn't attack, for some reason.

Both of my pokemon attacked again.

"Now!" The gliscor used some sort of slash move at point blank range, and it nearly defeated Metts, but due to the fact it wasn't very effective, it didn't do as much damage. The gliscor fainted.

The Team Rocket dude ran off, yelling over his shoulder, "Mwahaha!"

I yawned slightly. My eyes shuddered as my pokemon retreated to their pokeballs. For some reason I felt sooo tired... I fell on one knee... And collapsed on the ground...

"She's out."

"Grab her! Hurry! We don't have much time!"

"Get her back to the base! Quickly!"

"Contact Schneider!"

"I am!"

"Contact 'G'"

"And the boss!"

"Let's go! Hurry!"


Dante finally arrived at the village.

"If only I hadn't been held up... Probably shouldn't have taken that mountain 'shortcut', that the hiker guy suggested..."

He walked past the gym, and looked around the city for a while.

"Odd... Celia should be here by now, right..?"


Uh oh... Looks like Celia is in a spot of trouble, eh? I've worked so hard on this series... Yawn... So tired... Anyway. I won't update levels this chapter, I don't think. I mean, nothing much really happened. Anyway. But... Dante's pokemon... I didn't get to tell you... But hey, I'll give you a clue. It has two types, to the best of my knowledge, lives in Unova, and is the first evolution of one of my favourite pokemon, which also happens to be one of the COOLEST pokemon ever. But I still think absol is better. Not sure about Metagross there, though. Hmmm... Anyway. Better get on with the next chapter, then...

Or not... But... It'll be SO awesome...

Can anyone guess?

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