Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia FanFiction ~ Chapter 1

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I do not claim rights to Pokemon Ranger, locations such as the Almia region, or pokemon, as well as characters not created by me.

The basis of this story's plot is owned by... Gamefreak. Or something like that.

I claim rights to the characters, plot, and locations created by me, as well as anything else created by me.

Disclaimer- may contain spoilers, major spoilers, and other things that you might not want to read, if you haven't played Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia yet.

Basically, the basis of this plot is from Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.


Are you a boy? Or a girl? I hear a voice ask.

"Can't you tell?"

"Invalid answer. Please repeat clearly."

"A boy..." (sweatdrops)

"Please confirm."

"Yah yeah yeah-"

"Thank you. Your registration at the Almia Ranger School has been completed. Please proceed to the Testing area, where you can complete a small test process to enter our curriculum."

I stand up, and walk over to the middle of the small greenhouse-like building where I will take some form of test. A man, a little bit of a nutter if you ask me, is waiting there. I recall his name to be Kaplan. I've heard stories of him back in Kanto, where I came from, and I hear he was quite the ranger... Was. Now he's a little senile.

"Hehehehe! Would YOU like to take the test??? Hehe..."

"Um... Yeah... I guess..."

"Then take this!"

He handed me an empty water bottle.

"What... Is this?..."

"It's for when you're so scared of failing at our super-scary test that you feel you need to... go."

"Um..." Yup. Few nuts short of a bolt, that's for sure.

"Now now, Kaplan, that's enough of this nonsense," said a rather serious lady who strode in, slamming the doors to the small building closed.

"Sorry about that," she addressed me.


She handed me a small walkie-talkie like device, and I recognized it to be what was known a ranger styler.

"Now, go ahead and take your test," she said, as thus random pikachu appeared out of nowhere, and attacked.

Actually, it walked around in front of me...

Sooo... Let's review.

I'm here because I want to LEARN how to use a styler.

And this school is where I can learn that.


So basically, I've got no idea what to do.

"C'mon kid, get on with it!" Kaplan exclaimed angrily.

"Shush," said the woman, and I remembered her name, partly due to her name tag, which I had just noticed.

Ms. April.


Ms. April turned toward me.

"But do you not know how to complete a capture," she asked sweetly.

"Um... What exactly IS a capture?" I asked.

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