An Adventure Into the Sky: Chapter 5- Filler Mountain

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5- Filler Mountain

It's been so long since I updated. I actually kinda forgot. I have other priorities, but I'll continue for you guys. Anyways, please enjoy Filler Mountain.


Mike walked beside Gaz towards the large mountain. They entered a strange door, and found themselves in a large maze-like place.

"This," explained Gaz, somehow talking through the blank disease,"is a mystery dungeon. Explorers like us take jobs in these places. We can ascend or descend floors depending on the dungeon, until we get to the summit, or bottom."

So, two or more not-so-fun-filled hours of walking, climbing, and battling later, Mike and Gaz both (barely) managed to make it to the top of the tall mountain.

Where all hope was lost.

"Blank Blank!" exclaimed Gaz, and they rushed up to a small pool of water with the rest of the guild members surrounding it.

Both of them drank some of the water.

"Did it work?" asked one of the cured guild members.

"I don't know... All right it did!" exclaimed Gaz.

He turned around, but...

"Gazooks! Look over there!"

A large web-like... Web, was covering both the exit and entrance to the cave.

"Haha, no problem little guy," chuckled the secretary known as starraptor, and she walked over an clawed a it with her beak.

It didn't move.

It did, however, deliver a fatal electric shock to the poor secretaries head.

"AaaaaAh!" she screamed.

---Disclaimer, if you don't like starraptors getting shocked for some random plot-involved reason, you probably shouldn't read this chapter. Oh wait; too late.---

Suddenly, everyone realized that the author was getting bored with this one little plot-related idea and decided to shock them all heavily with electricity and knock them all out.




A totally evil spoilermon walked through SPOILERRELATEDLOCATION. it gestured to SPOILERNUMBER pokemon and they followed stealthily.

They entered a large room, with a large round table with many other pokemon sitting around it.


AAAAAGH! WHY CAN'T I THINK OF IDEAS FOR THIS!? IVE GOTTA DO... Oh wait, right I can do that then that, then oh! Right...

Okay. So, chapters will be shorter, etc. Just FYI. because I am getting really blocked on this. But, I updated!

Anyway. Thanks for reading!


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