2 - One less lonely girl (Cute/Romantic)

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Imagine you are going to the Believe tour, and you are going to see Justin for the first time.

Today is finally the day that you are going to see Justin, for the very first time. You have been there for him since the very beginning, and you actually can't believe that this is the first time you are going to see him. It feels like you have known him personally and so good for all those years. But today is going to be the best day of your life. 

Still a few hours to go, and you really can't decide what you want to wear. You decide to go for a white shirt with Justin on it, a black skinny jeans, some black Dr. Martens and some bracelets that says 'Justin Bieber' and 'Believe'. You curled the end of your hair and put on some make up.

After you are done with dressing up you take some pictures of yourself and upload it to Instagram with a text that says; 'ready for the best night of my life !' 

When you arrive at the concert there are already so many people standing outside for the concert hall. They are screaming and singing and it makes you feel so happy.

There is one girl who you have been talking to since a few years, but you have never met each other, until now. When you see each other you are hugging each other like crazy. It is already the best night of your life and you haven't even seen Justin.

Suddenly the security comes outside and says that the concert hall is open. Everybody is screaming even louder right now, and it is just like one crazy zoo! But you love it, because you are surrounded by your family, beliebers.

After a while you finally entered the hall. It is so unbelievably big. You are standing against the stage. You really can't believe that Justin is gonna stand here, right in front of you, in a few minutes. You and your friend have been talking like crazy about everything, but the most about Justin. You are watching the hall while it is getting fuller and fuller.

Suddenly the lights turns off and everybody starts screaming. On the screen disappear some numbers that say; 00;00;10 10 seconds, just 10 seconds to go until you are going to see your idol.

The one who you love with all your heart, the one who inspired you, the one who taught you to never say never, and that you have to follow your dreams;Justin Bieber.

Then the screen also turns off. You look up and you see that there is somebody in the air, above you. You also see two really big wings. It comes closer and closer until you can see him really good. You have to look twice, because you can't believe it... He even looks prettier in real life, and that is almost impossible. He lands and then he stars to sing 'All around the world'.

The whole audience is going crazy and you and your best friend are singing, crying, screaming and dancing. The two of you are so happy. Justin starts to sing One less lonely girl. You are watching every move that Justin makes. His voice sounds so perfect, and he is such a good dancer. You look at the audience and see how everyone is going crazy. You and your friend are looking at each other and start to sing as loud as you can.

Suddenly, you feel someone is grabbing your shoulder, but when you turn around, you don't expect to see Allison. "What is going on?" You think by yourself. Allison says that you have to follow her and you tell your friend that you will be right back.

Allison takes you backstage and begins talking to you "So, you can hear me better here, instead of a place were you are surrounded with screaming girls everywhere." Says Allison smiling at you. You still don't know what is going on. "So i wanted to ask you if you wanted to be the One less lonely girl?." "What?," You say. Is this real? Did she really asked this? You cant believe it, you start to cry really hard. You are so happy. "YES!" Allison smiles at you, and you can't help but the only thing you can do right now is crying.

You are standing backstage and you are watching Justin while he is performing.You are getting more and more nervous. On of the dancers grabs your hand as he says "Leggo." You enter the stage and the audience is getting crazy. He leads you to a big chair that is standing in the middle of the stage. You sit down. You look at your right and you see that Justin is walking towards you.

You really can't believe it, you don't know how to react so you are smiling like crazy. Justin is getting closer and closer, and suddenly you feel his hand on your arm. Its feels so unreal, you can't believe it. Justin is watching at you while he is singing.

He walks around the chair and he picks up a crown that is laying behind the chair. He puts it on your head, and while he is doing that, he strokes your hair softly. Then he takes a step back and starts to dance together with the dancers.

You feel like a princess, you feel so honored that Allison picked you and you still can't believe that Justin is standing in front of you and that he is singing for you, only you.

Justin turns around and looks at you. He is coming closer and closer and suddenly, he is standing right in front of you, your legs between his legs. He looks into your eyes and licks his lips. Then he softly stars smiling at you. You are blushing and you smile lightly back. He almost finished the song.

Justin comes close to your ear and asks 'What is your name beautiful?' You are smiling like crazy because he called you beautiful. '[Y/N]' You say. 'Give it up for [Y/N]' Justin screams and he takes your hand. He helps you to get out of the chair, and then Justin leads you backstage, hand in hand.

"Did you enjoyed it?" Justin asks smiling.

"Yes, I loved it" You smile back. You still can't believe it. You were going to see Justin today, and now? You are talking to him! Your life couldn't get any better right now. Justin is coming closer to you and strokes your hair with his hand.

"When I said beautiful, I really meant it," He is staring into your eyes. You are blushing like crazy and you don't now how to react, so you are giggling very stupid.

"You are cute," Justin says. Justin called you beautiful and cute in less than 30 seconds, wow.

"Justin! 2 more minutes!." A man from the security screams really loud.

"I only have 2 more minutes to spend with you," Justin makes a sad face. You can't think straight right now and even if you still had 10 seconds to go, you didn't care, you are spending time with Justin right now, time you thought you would never have. Justin is searching for something and you don't know what. He grabs a pen and start writing something on a little paper. When he finished writing he grabs your hand and he gives it to you. He holds your hand and says

"Open it after the concert, promise me," He stares into your eyes with this cute puppy eyes. You are melting.

"I promise." You see that Justin his eyes are sparkling and he smiles lightly. He comes closer and closer, so close that you can feel his breath. He is starring at your lips.

Suddenly he places his lips on your lips. Is this real? His lips taste great, and they are so soft. After a few seconds Justin breaks the kiss and says

"Don't forget the little paper I gave to you" He smiles and runs back to the stage. You hear that the audience is screaming. You are just standing there like 'Did this really happened?'.

A man from the security walks towards you and says that he will bring you back to your place in the audience. Your body is shaking like something really bad happened to you, but actually, the best thing of your life just happened...

After the concert you and friend walk outside. You are saying goodbye to each other and the two of you make an appointment that you are going to see each other again, really soon! You hug each other, and when you break the hug, you guys both walk the other way. You turn around and wave at your friend,she is waving back. Then you remember what Justin said. You take the paper out of your pocket and open it. Its says:

You are amazing, 2 minutes were to short. Call me ; 01134987364 Justin

You are starring at the paper, with really big eyes. You look up and suddenly you see Justin starring at you out of the window. He is smiling at you, and you smile back at him. Then the other girls see that Justin is standing in front of the window, they start running and screaming.

But Justin is only starring at you.

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