7 - Midnight call (Sad/Cute)

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Imagine you and Justin broke up a couple of days ago, because Justin is leaving for his world tour in a couple of weeks. You are really upset all the time, and you can't stop thinking about Justin.

You look at your Iphone screen.

3:21 A.M.

You can't sleep, the only thing you do is cry. Just crying and thinking about Justin. You thought it would be better if you broke up with Justin before he left town. Your head says that you can't be together with Justin, if he is on tour you will miss him so much, that it hurts even more than it does now, but your hearts says that you love Justin, and that no one can make you happier than Justin does.

You let out a sigh. Tears keep falling down your cheeks. You unlock your telephone, search for a number, and then you call it. Even though it is midnight, you have to try this.

"Hello?," You hear a person say, with a really tired and weak voice.

"Justin?," You say stuttering and crying.

"Babe? What's wrong? W-Why are you crying?," Justin asks, his voice cracks. "And.. why do you call me at 3 A.M.?"


"What?," Justin says, he sounds worried.

"I can't do this.."

"You can't do what? Tell me what's wrong babe!,"

"I don't know... I'm crying every day, every night, I haven't left my house in like 3 days.. I miss you so much," You say, you are stuttering and crying.

"W-wait, i'll be there in 10 minutes," Justin says. He is so sweet.
"Okay [Y/N]? Are you still there?,"

"Yes." You say. You hear Justin chuckle. You hang up and sit down on your bed, waiting for Justin.

After 10 minutes you hear someone unlocks the door and walks in. Yes, he still has the key. Your room door opens and Justin walks in.

You start crying really loud. Justin climbs onto your bed and he sits down next to you.

"Baby, don't cry, i'm here," Justin whispers, one arm wrapped around your waist, and his other arm around your neck with his hand resting on your head, your head is resting on his shoulder.

"It's alright," Justin whispers. He gently rubs your cheek with his thumb.

"Thank you Justin, for being here for me, at 4 A.M." you say. Justin breaks the grip and he faces you.

"I promised that I would be there for you, and you know I don't break any promises," you stare into Justin his beautiful eyes, and you lightly smile. You haven't smiled since you broke up with him, so this proves how happy you are when Justin is around. Justin smiles back at you. He starts tickling you, and you start laughing really hard.

"No! J- Justin! St-stop please!," You are stuttering and laughing.

"No? I don't want to see you cry, and the only thing I can think about right now how to make you laugh, is tickling you," Justin laughs and he finally stops. He grabs your waist and he lays you down, him sitting on top of you.

"Damn, I have missed that cute smile of you," Justin says. You blush. Justin leans in, his nose touches your neck.

"I've missed you so much," He slowly says. You feel his warm breath on your skin. The two of you stay quiet for a moment. Justin lifts his head. The two of you are starring into each others eyes, waiting for what will come next. Suddenly you feel Justin his warm lips placed on yours. His kisses are so sweet and passionate.

"Come," Justin says. He moves his body, so he is not on top of you anymore. You sit up straight. Justin pulls up the blanket and you crawl under it. You rest your head on Justin's chest. He slowly strokes your hair.

"You want me to stay?," Justin asks with a cute, soft voice.

"Yes." You whisper. Justin places a long, sweet kiss on your head. The two of you fall asleep in each others arms.

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