38 - Double date I (Romantic/Cute)

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Imagine your best friend likes somebody. He asked her out, but she is afraid to go alone so she asked you to join her.

"[Y/N], will you please come with us?," Your friend begs you. You sigh.

"Come on, I mean, he asked you out on a date, not me?," You say bored. You want to be there for your friend, but why should you join her? It's her date..

"I know, but it's my first date and i'm really nervous to go alone with him, I don't know what to talk about," Your friend says.

"Well, maybe he knows...,"

"Please [Y/N], I really like him," You sigh again.

"But how do you want me to join you? I mean, a trio date.... that is just so weird," You say to her. She smiles.

"Maybe he can bring on of his friends with him, so we can have a double date!" Your friend says enthousiasticly. You look at her, really?

"I don't want a date, I don't want a boyfriend, boys are only here to break your heart," You say.

"No, that is so not true, and he doesn"t have to become your boyfriend?," Your friend smirks. She really wants you to join her.

"I really don't know," You say while you look at her.

"Please? do it for me!," Your friend asks.

"Before I say yes, I want to know what you are going to do on your date," You ask your best friend.

"Cinema!," She says enthousiasticly.
You think.

"Well, I can't live with that," You say. You already regret your decision.

"So that is a yes?," your friend says smiling.

"Yup," You say, popping the p. Your friend cheers and hugs you really tight.

"Thankyou so much! and Fredo just texted me that he will bring one of his friends!," She says.

"I hope he is hot," You grin.

The two of you spend the rest of the day together choosing clothes for eachother and doing your makeup.
Well, especially your friend her clothes and makeup, you really don't care.

"Do I really look good?," Your friend asks while you both are walking towards the cinema.

"You look gorgeous," You say smiling.

"I hope Fredo thinks the same about that," She blushes.

"I'm sure about that," You say.

The two of you come closer and closer to the cinema, and when you finally arrive, Fredo is already waiting outside. He is with another guy, he is brown haired and has a nice style.

Fredo notice your friend and smiles at her.

"Hi Fredo!," Your friend says giggling while she hugs him. You look at the boy who is standing next to Fredo, he has his hands in his pockets and is starring at the ground. He also doesn't seem really excited.

"And you must be [Y/N]?," Fredo says while he shakes your hand. You nodd and smile.

"Oh, and this is my friend Justin," Fredo says while he pats the boy his back. Justin smiles lightly.

You look at him and he looks you in the eyes...


Like/comment for a sequel ;) ❤

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