63 - Escape from the pain (Extremely sad)

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Imagine you are Justin his girlfriend. He is on tour for 6 months, so you didn't see him for that long. You are getting so much hate from everybody, you are really depressive.

You are sitting on the floor, with a bunch of pictures in front of you. Pictures of you and Justin together. You both look so happy and in love. But everything changed.... You are not happy anymore, not happy at all. You haven't saw Justin in 6 months, and haven't spoke to him for 4 days. He is just too busy, and you know that.

Lately the hate is getting so much worse, they all tell you that you deserve to be alone, that Justin found somebody else, someone better. It breaks your heart to pieces to hear that from other people. You started cutting yourself a few weeks ago, it helps you to escape from the pain in your heart. It isn't good at all, but it's the only way to escape from the hate. Because of all the hate you realize you really don't deserve him.

You are ugly and depressive, why would Justin date someone like you?

Everything is just too much, you can't handle it anymore.

You stand up, grab the pictures and place them on the table. You also grab a note and a pen and write something down on it. After you did that you look at the pictures one more time, and burst out in tears.

You walk upstairs, towards the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror. Long, messy brown hair, grey 'dead' eyes, no colours on your face at all. Just plain white. And that is also exactly how you feel, plain, like nothing.

You grab a white bottle of pills from behind the mirror-closet. It are a lot of pills, and you are ready to take all of them. It helps you to escape out of this hell. You open the bottle and grab some the pills. You take them one by one, and after you took a few you look at yourself in the mirror one more time. Your face becomes even whiter, and your eyes become red.

Before you know everything becomes black, and you fall down on the floor.

A few hours later the front door opens. Justin walks inside the house and shouts

"Babe! I'm home! I'm finally home!,"

He walks inside the living room and looks around. No one here. He frowns and walks towards the stairs and he shouts

"Babe?," But he doesn't get any response. He walks towards the kitchen, but then he notice the photos on the table. He grabs them and looks at it. He smiles widely, and when he lays the photos back, he sees the note. He frowns again and read it, it says

Dear one who found this,

I'm sorry, i'm really sorry.
Everything was so hard, too hard. All the hate, I couldn't handle it anymore.
They were right, i'm ugly and nothing, and I don't deserve Justin at all.
The best way to escape from all the pain is to do this,to take the pills.

Tell Justin that I love him.

That was it.


Justin looks up. He is shaking all over and he starts to hyperventilate. The note falls down on the floor, as Justin makes his way upstairs.

"[Y/N]!," He screams a few times, but again, no response of course. He directly walks towards the bathroom and when he opens the door he almost faints.

His tears are streaming down his face, it looks like a waterfall on his face. He is screaming and yelling.

"No [Y/N]! Why?! Why?!," He screams crying. He sits down next to you and places his head on your stomach.

"Why did you do this, why? I loved you so much, you never cared about the hate.... Babe I loved you so much, I can't live without you, I- I-," Justin stutters. He kisses your forehead and then he starts crying out loud, for the next 15 minutes.

He then looks around the room and sees an empty white bottle. The pills are all over the floor and without any doubt Justin grabs them, one by one. When he collected them all he stands up and he grabs an empty glass and fills it with water.

He then sits down next to you again, and he strokes your hair with his hands. He kisses your lips, a tear falls down on your plain white face. Justin looks at you and says

"It is all my fault, all my fault, if I arrived here earlier you were still alive, if I didn't go away you still would have been here, I-I- can never forgive myself for this, I need to be with you, so there is only one option," Justin says while he is holding your hand. He takes all the pills and swallows them with some water.

He squeezes his eyes and before he knows the world around him starts to turn around. His face becomes all white and not even a minute later he falls down, with his head next to yours, his hands in your hands.........

"[Y/N]!," Justin suddenly screams. You wake up and look next to you. Justin sits straight in bed, he is looking for you,

"Justin? What's wrong?," You moan, because you just woke up. Justin looks at you and takes a really deep sigh, he then starts crying. You sit up straight and wrap your arms around Justin. You caress his cheek with your thumb.

"Babe, why are you crying?," You whisper. Justin looks at you and says

"I-I had this really bad dream about y-you, u-us-," He stutters, he is still crying.

"Shhh babe, don't cry, it was just a dream, just a dream," You say as you kiss Justin his cheek. Justin slowly nods and the two of you lay down again. Justin wraps his arms around you very tight, and before you know, the two of you fall asleep.


I warned you guys, extremely sad!

haha ;) still hope you enjoyed it.....

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