45 - Meeting you again 1/2 (Cute)

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* Important author's note at the end please read! *

Imagine you are walking along the shore, just texting your friends, when you bump into someone.

"Shit," You say because you almost drop your telephone. Why do you always bump into somebody... You look up, and see someone familiar.. Well, not someone you know really well but you recognize him.

This is the second time that you look into these really beautiful, hazel brown, eyes.


You walk along the shore, towards starbucks, you are texting your friends at the same time. You walk towards the bar and order a caramel frappuchino. When it is finally ready you want to walk away, but you bump into someone. Your coffee is spilt all over your clothes.

"Damn..," You say while you look at your white shirt... well, brown shirt rightnow.

"I'm so sorry!," The boy says. You look at him. His hair is so shiny and his eyes are the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. He is just as tall as you.

Oh well, good job [Y/N], at first you bump into a really hot guy, and you also spill coffee... This is so embarrassing.

"It-it's okay," You say. The boy laughs a little and so do you.

"I will buy a new shirt, it is okay," You say and smile. The boy also smiles.

"Well, you also don't have anything to drink anymore-," The boy starts. You look in your cup and laugh.

"- so maybe we can drink something together? I will buy you a new one," The boy says smiling. You just giggle and agree. The boy orders 2 caramel frappucino's, and after he payed he hands me one.

"Don't spill it this time huh," The boy says laughing.

"I won't you say," You say laughing too. The two of you walk towards a random table and take a seat.

The two of you talked abouy so many things. He told you he is 19 years old and that his name is Justin. You've talked for one hour.

"So, I have to go," Justin says while he stands up. You also stand up.

"Well, thanks for the coffee," You say. Justin smiles.

"No thanks," He says.
"So I guess I will see you around soon?," Justin asks. You feel that you are blushing.

"Yes, sure!," You say.

"Okay, bye love," Justin says and he quickly kisses your cheeck before he walks away. He smells perfect and his lips feel so soft!

Probably you won't see him around again, there are so many people who live here, and Justin is a really handsome guy, so he probably has a girlfriend....

You watch Justin walk away, and when he is out of sight, you also walk away......

{end of flashback}

"[Y/N]?," The boy says smirking.

"Hey Justin!" You say, trying to fake a smile.

Uhoh, second time that you bumped into him..... This is so awkward.....


Comment or vote for a sequel! :) ❤


I can't do any personal imagines at the moment because of my schoollife... :')

Yup, i love school so much, come on, who doesn't?

Note the sarcasm.

I'm sorry guys please don't hate me for this....
But ofcourse I will still upload an imagine (almost) everyday :)

Loveyou guys, thanks for always making me smile with your sweet comments and stuff ❤❤

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