58 - You like me? 1/2 (Really cute)

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Imagine Fredo is one of your best friends. You are at his place rightnow and Fredo tells you that Justin, one of his best friends and also one of your best friends, will come as well.

"Hey Fredo!," You say while you walk inside Fredo his house.

"Hey babe," Fredo says and he hugs you.

"So, have you already tried the new gta5?," He asks while you both walk inside the livingroom.

"No I don't like gaming, you know that," You say in a high pitch.

"Come on just try it!," Fredo says. You sigh and say

"Hmm okay,"

"You are amazing!," Fredo smirks while he hugs you. The two of you sit down on the couch and start playing gta. Fredo his phone beeps.
He looks at it and says

"Justin is coming over in a few."
You look at him and your stomach twists. Justin is a really good friend of yours but you have feelings for him, very strong feelings, and everytime you are with him the feelings are so strong that you really can't control them.

"Okay," You just simply answer and smile.

A few minutes later the doorbell rings.

"Justin!," Fredo says, he stands up and walks towards the front door. You quickly fix your hair and check if your makeup is still okay.

You hear Fredo and Justin laughing and you see them walking into the livingroom. Your heart skips a beat when you see Justin.

"Hey [Y/N]," Justin says while he sits down next to you. You smile at him while Justin wraps his arms around you for a hug.

"Let's play gta again," Fredo says. You sigh because you are really not excited to play gta, but unfortunately Justin says yes and the two of them start playing it.

You stand up from the couch and walk away, towards the kitchen, to get some drink and food. You stay there for a while and just stare out of the window, and watch all the people driving by. Suddenly you hear Fredo and Justin talk about something, well, it's more like whispering but loud enough for you to hear

"So what is the plan?," Fredo says.

"I wanted to take her to the lake, and get in a boat, and yeah..," You hear Justin say. What is he talking about?

"She really means everything to you huh?," Fredo answers Justin back.

"Yes, I really like her, I wish we were already together, she is the one for me, I fell for her, but I don't know if she feels the same way about me, she is just... perfect," Justin says.

And there are the tears. You always knew it, he likes somebody else, you have zero change with him, why would he even like you, you are just his best friend, nothing more nothing less.

Suddenly you hear Fredo scream your name


Comment or like for a sequel!! :) ❤️❤️

Ps; IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! :)))))

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