59 - You like me? 2/2 (Really Cute)

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Sequel to 'You like me? 1/2' I recommend you reading that part first if you haven't yet.

"Yes?," You scream while you wipe your tears away.

You walk towards the livingroom where Fredo and Justin are still playing gta.

"You want to go out with us? To the lake or something?," Fredo asks. You just stare at him and sigh. You are probably going to see that other girl Justin likes and that is going to be really hard.

"Sure," You say. Fredo and Justin both smile.

"I need to dress up first," You say while your voice cracks.

"No, you don't have to, we are going to leave rightnow, aren't we Fredo?," Justin says while he grabs your arm. He looks at Fredo and Fredo looks back at you and Justin.

"Uh yeah, so let's go then," Fredo shuts the game down and stands up. You cross your arms and walk after Fredo, towards the car.

"Stop here I need to buy flowers," Justin says. Fredo parks the car.

"For what?," You ask while you frown.

"For a girl," Justin simply says and you all walk inside. All the flowers are so beautiful here, especially the roses.

"You are a girl, which flower do you like?," Justin asks.

"These roses are beautiful," You say. Justin walks towards it and grabs a lot of roses and buys them. You regret it that you said you like roses, because that girl gets them now.

We drive towards the lake, and when we finally arrive there we are the only ones at that place. You see a little boat.

"Here we are," Justin says. We all step out of the car, and Justin grabs the roses.

"Why do you take them with you?," You ask. Justin only laughs but doesn't say anything.

When we arrive at the boat there is an awkward silence between the three of you.

"So what are we waiting for? Which girl?," I ask while I look at Fredo and then at Justin, they both only smile.

"I need to go, see ya," Fredo says and he walks away. You look at Justin and he smiles at you.

"Step in," Justin says and he points at the boat. You frown but then you walk towards it and you step inside. Justin also steps in and drives away.

"So, why do I need to come with you while you are going to give roses to somebody else, I guess a girl," You say a bit irritated. Justin smirks again

"I need to give them to a special girl," suddenly he hands you the roses.

You just look at it and frown

"Why do you give them to me?," You say. Justin stops the boat and stands still in the middle of the lake.

"[Y/N], listen, it is you, you are that special girl okay?," Justin confesses. You look at him, a bit confused.

Justin laughs and grabs both of your hands.

"Listen, it is you, you are my special girl, I like you so much, but do you even realize how hard it is to be in love with your best friend?," Justin says blushing. You just stare at him. Did he really just said that? That he likes you?

"Don't worry Justin, I know how it feels, because I feel the same about you," You say smiling. Justin his smile grows from small to big and he hugs you.

"Everything is for you, I love you, more then friends," Justin says while he grabs your hands and he starres into your eyes. He also hands you the roses.

"I also love you Justin," You say and you both slowly lean in for a kiss.......

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