66 - A dedication (Cute/Sexy)

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Imagine Justin is your boyfriend and you are visiting one of his concerts rightnow.

You and your best friend are at Justin his concert. He asked you if you wanted to see him performing tonight, and ofcourse you said yes.

He just finished his song Die in your arms.

"So, the next song is a new one-," Justin starts. The crowd was already going crazy, but you haven't heard them louder then this....

"-I wrote it for you, my beliebers, but also for someone special who is also here tonight, because [Y/N], you are all that matters to me," Justin says while he points at you. You just look around with your mouth wide open.

"Babe, can you come over here?," Justin asks you.

"Go go go!," Your friend says. You don't hesitate and you directly make your way backstage, where a guard is waiting for you. He leads you on the stage, and as soon as you are standing on the stage, all eyes are focused on you. All the girls are screaming your name.

Justin directly walks towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. He hugs you really tight and kisses your shoulder. He then starts singing, still with you in his arms

Uh-oh, just as sure as the stars in the sky
I need you to shine in the light
Not just for the meanwhile, for a long long time, better believe it


You're all that matters to me
Yeah yeah, ain't worry about nobody else
If it ain't you, I ain't myself
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Justin finishes the song. He kisses your lips and smiles. He faces the crowd and screams

"Give it up for my beautiful girlfriend!," He grabs your hand and runs backstage with you, as Dan starts a guitar solo.

Justin walks into his dressingroom together with you and locks it.

"That was so sweet baby!," You say while you wrap your arms around Justin his neck and hug him. Justin wraps his arms around your waist and then he softly squeezes your bum.

"You were literally amazing," You say smiling. Justin smirks and he starts kissing your shoulder, which makes you moan a little. He then goes up to your lips and starts kissing them.

After a few minutes of making out Justin places his hand again on your bum and pushes you against him, so that there is no more space between the two of you. You starts sucking on Justin his neck, after after a few seconds you see that you left a hickey. You giggle a little after seeing it.

"You know babe..," Justin whispers in your ear.
"I'm also amazing in something else, but I will show you tonight, after the show," Justin smirks. His words give you shivers all over your body.

You look at Justin and he is smiling at you. He leans in and brushes your lips with his, and just, when you are about to kiss him Justin pulls away and then he walks away, to the stage again.

You cross your arms and just shake your head smiling... You already can't wait untill the show is finished.

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