73 - Little sister (Cute/Sexy)

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Imagine Justin and you were just having fun with your daughter, until it was time for bed.

"But daddy,-," Your 5-years-old daughter starts again, but Justin interrupt her.

"No sweety, it's bed time for you, more games and tv for you tomorrow, come," Justin says while he grabs her from the ground. He starts tickeling her and she laughs really hard.

"Mommy, help," Your daughter says. You just watch them play, and you smile.

Seeing them together makes you smile, they are so cute together and Justin is the best father a kid could wish for.

You stand up and walk towards Justin and your daughter. You grab your daughter out of Justin his grip and you kiss her.

"Mommy saved me," She says. You giggle and place her down on the ground.

"Say goodnight to mommy," Justin says. You kneel down and your daughter wraps her arms around your neck.

"Goodnight mommy," She says. You stroke her hair behind her ear and smile.

"Goodnight my sweetheart," You say and you kiss her before Justin takes her and walks upstairs with her.

It takes very long before Justin finally comes downstairs, but when you hear someone entering the livingroom, you see it is Justin with your daughter.

"Babe, why is she still awake?," You ask a bit surprised. Justin sighs and puts her down.

"She was thirsty," Justin says. They both walk towards the kitchen and Justin gives your daughter something to drink. Than he walks towards you and sits down next to you on the couch.

He wraps his arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek.

"My wifey," He says smiling. You giggle and face him before you kiss him on the lips.

"Mommy-," Your daughter says while she walks towards you and Justin.

"-I want a little sister," She suddenly says.

"How comes that so?," You ask a bit surprised. Your daughter points at Justin and says


You look at Justin and he is sitting there with a very innocent look on his face. He blushes a little. You shake your head and laugh.

"Let's go upstairs," You say and you quickly stand up and bring your daughter upstairs.

When you are done and when you enter the livingroom you see Justin still sitting on the couch, with this same innocent look on his face. You smile lightly and sit down next to him.

"So, is that what you really want?," You ask while you look at Justin. He looks at you and bites his lip.

"Yes, and we can start tonight," He says , and before you can even say something he pushes you down on the couch and starts kissing you...

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